Habitats for Angels
Regular price
$ 112.00
Originally a piece that belonged to the Knights of the Rosy Cross, we got this piece on an investigation in Brussels, which despite it being in one of the smallest countries in the world, is a very important city. Brussels plays important roles in both governments and in the world of the metaphysical. This piece was stashed away in an old collection of items that we found using a treasure compass piece that we have since listed to the website and sold. It is not clear exactly how old this piece is, but it was hidden away in an old cedar chest in the basement of a pretty antiquated building.
Created out of art glass that was made from Milano glass, this piece boasts microbursts of white light power. This white light power was created when a former ranking member of the Rosicrucian Order traveled to Heaven during his ascension. This was given piece was given to him by an angel named Jeduthun, who is the master of chanting to God. He chanted the white light bursts into this piece and the magic allows for one angel to be summoned and kept for each of these glass beads.
The glass beads are hollow and each one of them contains a miniature angelic habitat. You can call out the angel that you choose to summon and replication of that exact same angel will be placed into the glass bead of your choosing. This angel will be yours for the keeping and you can summon it any time you choose. You do not have to choose them all at once, but when you have decided you will simply hold the bead in between your index finger and thumb. You will chant the name of the angel that you want inside of the bead 12 times to symbolize the 12 apostles and the 12 tribes of Israel. The angel will them be yours for the using.
Created out of art glass that was made from Milano glass, this piece boasts microbursts of white light power. This white light power was created when a former ranking member of the Rosicrucian Order traveled to Heaven during his ascension. This was given piece was given to him by an angel named Jeduthun, who is the master of chanting to God. He chanted the white light bursts into this piece and the magic allows for one angel to be summoned and kept for each of these glass beads.
The glass beads are hollow and each one of them contains a miniature angelic habitat. You can call out the angel that you choose to summon and replication of that exact same angel will be placed into the glass bead of your choosing. This angel will be yours for the keeping and you can summon it any time you choose. You do not have to choose them all at once, but when you have decided you will simply hold the bead in between your index finger and thumb. You will chant the name of the angel that you want inside of the bead 12 times to symbolize the 12 apostles and the 12 tribes of Israel. The angel will them be yours for the using.