Regular price
$ 38.00
This piece holds the presence of Habondia, sometimes called Queen of the Witches. She works with and is associated with the lunar deity Diana. When using this piece, Habondia grants the knowledge of ancient moon magic. This will unlock the mysteries of the universe, including the powers associated with each planet, start system, constellation, and other heavenly bodies. I'd list these powers, but there are so many of them that I would have to sit here and type out pages of information. Just know that when you get this piece you will experience a bond to it that will allow you to know the powers of the universe, what they are, and how to use them. There are powers in and other themselves and then there are energies that you can use to create the powers that you are looking for. Habondia will guide you if you are unsure of yourself. She comes to you in her spirit form with pale skin and yellowing glowing eyes.