Holy Euphoric Frankincense

Holy Euphoric Frankincense

Regular price $ 38.00
This is a very simple, yet very effective piece. It holds the properties of frankincense in its purest form. This is a natural element that has been on Earth by the hand of God for very specific reasons. When you smell the smoke of pure frankincense it induces a euphoria that will put you in a trance and allow you to travel to the realms of Heaven.

As if this wasn't enough of a reason to buy this piece, you will be able to make contact with angels while you are in Heaven and ask them for their powers. Wealth, healing, holy rituals, holy fire, holy visions, and an opening of the 3rd area all powers that we were able to secure when using this piece. The best part about it is that the powers will be retained in the same piece for you to use when you choose to.

This piece does nothing more and nothing less. It is a very powerful experience and an amazing spiritual journey. The reason why people have not been able to experience this with frankincense is that you have to burn it in a particular way and they have not been doing that. Either way, you won't need to burn anything with this item. The experience is yours for the taking.

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