Illuminati Master Key
There will be no shipping from January 10 until February 3rd. If you can’t wait for shipping please do not order. There will be no exceptions. All items on Mercari and EBay will be on vacation mode for EBay and unavailable on Mercari until I’m back. The good news is for the first time in 15 years we hired another shipper! They are good and Lindy is training them as I type. Thank you for understanding, Dee Dee
I'm not going to say that there is no such thing as the Mandela Effect, because I'm sure that there have been things that were remembered incorrectly. Having said that, it is important to know what you're dealing with when it comes to things that have seemingly disappeared. Then, some things have existed and nobody can remember them. Such is the case of the Illuminati HQ at the Denver Airport. While I'm at it, I might tell you that the facility is much more than just the HQ for the Illuminati, who styles themselves the NWO. There are those that claim that they are able to prove the fact that there is a secret HQ there. Then, there are people who claim that these theories are far-fetched. The government knows the rumors that are circulated and has taken measures to make sure that their presence remains a secret. This means that they launch elaborate campaigns to smear those who claim to know the truth about the HQ is there. They try to make them seem foolish and uneducated. Then, they hid things in plain sight to make it seem like they are poking fun at the whole idea that the airport remains the Illuminati HQs. They have made mysterious murals that are very visible to the public. They even have gargoyles present in the facility. One of them welcomes visitors to the Illuminati HQ, before quickly correcting himself and changing it to the Denver International Airport.
How does this relate to what I've told you about the Mandela Effect? I'll tell you. If you have memories in your mind of the American government making a big "to-do" about how there was a subterranean city beneath the Denver International Airport and that it was going to host "elite" members of society who were going to supposedly prepare a new civilization for the betterment of humanity, you aren't losing grip with reality. This really did happen. It was only after whistle-blowers demanded to know what was really going on at the Denver International Airport during its construction. The government gave a half-truth and I'm not even sure it was really half. They immediately regretted giving this information out and immediately went to work reversing what they had claimed prior. This is part of the reason why chemtrails are a thing. They released a memory gas into the world and literally wipe all memory of any of this happening. Sometimes these gases don't work as effectively on some people like other people. That's why some people have vague memories of all this taking place, despite 99% percent of the population not really caring.
So what is really taking place at the Denver International Airport? That's easy. After they charade where they tried to make it appear as a great thing for humanity and after then hiding from humanity that any of that ever happened, they have embarked upon a project to contrive a race of humans that are far more advanced than the humans that exist on Earth. The studies are in and they know that the population of Earth will grow until about 2100, after which it will begin to dwindle. This is because the world has become so fast-paced and connected that people don't have time. The race that was developed by the Illuminati was done with Reptilian DNA. They are immortal. They have extremely advanced DNA and the have the ability to appear however they choose to appear. Because they have Reptilian DNA they have infinite access to cosmic knowledge at the center of the universe and existence. They are fully functioning hybrids that look like humans, but have managed to acquire full Reptilian powers and abilities. They are a dual race and they do not ONLY live at the Denver International airport, but they have been released into the public. Since they are exceptional at everything they do, they have become musicians, actors, diplomats, sports stars, wealthy businessmen, politicians, and other types of celebrities. Then, there are some that operate from the shadows. They have slowly been taking over the quote-unquote important spots in society so when the time comes they have all the power and influence.
Of course, this goes hand-in-hand with population control and the Georgia Guidestones, which essentially a code to world population control and other types of magic. Why population control? Well, the number of hybrids has far outnumbered the number of Reptilians that are actually on Earth. Naturally, it's easier to develop more hybrids because you don't have to send halfway across the universe for them. By fusing newborns with the Reptilian DNA they can develop a race of beings that are as powerful as the Reptilians, over whom they have full control. They do not have full control over humanity and this could pose a threat to their supremacy. At the base, you will even hear the Reptilian hybrids calling the members of the Illuminati ma'am or sir. Also, the hybrids are just as powerful as the Reptilians, so should there ever be a war, the hybrid race will win, because there are far more of those than there are plain Reptilians. Each Reptilian is given a handler. Handlers are people who control the behavior of hybrids once they are created. This is why you see them doing such crazy things because they will one day have a handler and the next day they will be sent out without one. Don't believe me? Ask Lindsay Lohan? They've abandoned her and she doesn't even know what she is. Ask Amanda Bynes. Ask Brittney Spears. Ask Lady Gaga. Ask Kesha. I'd say ask Michael Jackson, but he's dead. The fact is there are handlers for these hybrids that the hybrids are telepathically and metaphysically connected to. They are made to follow those orders and when orders aren't given, they go a bit whacky. It doesn't change the fact that they are incredibly powerful. They have the ability to change the course of destiny with an utterance of a word. They can create magic and use it. They can share this magic with the people around them. They can use magic on other people's behalf.
We were on an investigation when we found this piece. The closer we got to the airport the more Deedee was connected psychically to a voice. Turns out is the voice of the Bronco statue that is found outside of the airport. It told her the way to get underground and so we followed. There were crazy things we saw while we were down there. Some of it was human sacrifice. We saw strange human-animal hybrid experiments, even came face to face with an actual Reptilian that was deceased. However, this piece is the one we left with. The only reason nobody found us is that we went in with full cloaking magic on. Nobody could see us. They couldn't even pick up on us spiritually or telepathically. We put it on right before entering the airport. The piece we left with is called the Master Key. There are several of these pieces made, but we were only able to get to one of them. These are the pieces that are used when creating the hybrids. They have the presence of full Reptilian DNA. When you wear this piece you become like a Reptilian, kind of like the hybrids, but it is different. You don't actually become something permanent. When you take this piece off you go back to being yourself. However, while you have it on the Reptilian DNA becomes your own. When wearing this ring, you will get the ability to become like one of the hybrids. There are tons of powers and abilities that you will notice take effect, including the ones I have mentioned like the ability to be connected to the cosmic center of the universe to create your own powers and abilities This is the ability to become psychically superior to all others, with many very powerful psychic powers becoming yours. You will be able to see through the universal wisdom and to summon that wisdom when needed. This gives you a connection to the universe to be able to manipulate and use all energies around you for the purpose of power creation. You will also be able to summon other entities as needed. You control time with the ability to pause it, travel into the past, or traveling the future. There isn't much you can't accomplish with this piece. It has also been known to grant immortality for certain individuals, as well as the ability to self-heal and to heal others. This piece is an overall phenomenon that you do not want to miss out on.