Dimensional Warrior
The piece you are receiving is small sterling pendant, but you know what they say-- big things come in small packages. For this entity named Dantoori, this is definitely the truth!!
Nothing is certain in the times that we live in. In fact, the only that is certain is that sooner or later we are going to need some sort of protection. Whether that is from some flesh-eating virus that released during some biological war or whether it's from demonic forces that creep up from the pits of Hell, you are eventually going to need some form of protection. This protection will need to be metaphysical, too. When the time comes and you are under attack you will need something with magic that will get the job done. I'm only telling you what you are going to need to keep you and your family safe. You can take my advice or leave it, but honestly, I don't want to be the one to say "I told you so" in this situation. Trust me on that. I have seen the future and I know what it holds.
The piece that we are offering comes from a secret organization called the Lisbon. The Lisbon are the sworn protectors of humanity, but we aren't exactly sure what kind of entities they are. We don't think they are angelic beings, but they are definitely white light. They are more ethereal beings. In fact, we don't even know if they keep a constant physical presence. We think they are more spiritual beings that take human form when they need to, or any other form for that matter.
When we were first approached by a member of the Lisbon about this protection piece, she did appear to me as a human being. However, her energy was strange. It wasn't a bad strange, it was just more along the lines of the energies of those we usually feel when we are working with spirits. She had a strange marking behind her left ear. It was clear that she was attempting to hide it, but I saw it anyway. It was a type of magical sigil that I'm pretty sure was Enochian, but I'm not entirely sure what it meant.
The piece that she provided me with holds an entity called a Dimensional Warrior. The Dimensional Warrior is an extremely magical and very powerful protector. He is an ancient and immortal being that embodies the entirety of protection magic that the universe has to offer. He is well-versed in all sorts of magic because he has to know how to protect from those types of magic. We have this piece for a while now, simply because we wanted to test it to see what we were dealing with.
The Dimensional Warrior has gotten us out of some pickles including a fight with a Psionic Vampire, a battle with a legion of demons, a black hole that nearly sucked us through to oblivion, and a curse that nearly turned us into cement blocks while investigating at an abandoned Rosicrucian Temple. You need not say anything or do anything for this piece to work. You only have to wear it. This piece will keep you safe from all things and on all fronts. It will keep you safe while you are doing magic, during astral journeys, when you are exploring perilous places, while you are time-traveling or just because.
It will also keep your family and those close to you safe. You will communicate with the Dimensional Warrior to tell him who you would like to also keep safe. They must be people close to you and not something dumb like, "Oh, I want this piece to keep Brad Pitt safe so I can always look at him and watch his news movies." Trust me, there's somebody out there that would do that. He will also protect your house from evil entities, negative energy and just any kind of intrusiveness in general
His name is Dantoori and that is how you will communicate with him. He communicates mostly through telepathic connection, but occasionally he does take a spiritual form if he needs to. If he does you will notice that he appears with flames dancing in his eyes and that same Enochian Sigil behind his right ear. It's super mysterious if you ask me, but he will keep you safe from all things, so his mysteriousness is well worth it.