This is a RSC piece so it will never turn your hand green. This was given to Ja Weed by a girlfriend after telling her that everything he touches turns to gold. Well this isn't gold but it was a long standing joke on how he makes money.
Ja weed is not his real name but a joke but he is a real multi billionaire. How he got all his money came from a little bit he had from a lawsuit, about 5,000, not really much. He took that and bought a wealth item from me years ago and using the piece gained all his money by being smart. The piece he bought gave brain waves of creativity for how to get wealth and make it work.
Using the piece he bought off of me he decided to slip patents in on every strain of weed you could create. This means when it is legal all over or even in some places as it is now soon you will have to buy the rights to sell it. Now think about that? Do you even realize how much money that is? Can you even count that high? If you don't believe me just check it out for yourself.
The girlfriend doesn't exist anymore and this piece was filled with the same magic for wealth and sent back to me. I'm sure you can look the guy up but he won't answer you and I swore not to give out the info. All I can tell you is this works for all kinds of wealth and ways to get it no matter how much money you have now.
A lot of people don't like him simply because he was smarter and faster then they were. Haters will hate they say! You can sometimes find him eating at a Cape May restaurant we both enjoy.
This magic brought billions, not thousands but he really doesn't have to work at all.
With this piece you can create your own way to make money, stock market ( think water) Futures or even anything your interested in even if you have zero creativity. It doesn't have to do with stock or even creating anything. When he got his piece he had no clue what he wanted except great wealth. This is one of the best wealth pieces where I actually got to hear exactly what happened. I'm guessing this is because we are friends and talk all the time. This is a very magical and potent wealth item.