We have three of these "Kingdom of God" bracelets. They each hold a mustard seed that holds the secret powers that are found in the parable of the mustard seed in the New Testament. It is written that the Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed that a farmer planted in a field. Out of the small seed is grown a large tree in which birds will seek refuge from the sun. Just as the mustard seed was planted in the field, when you wear this piece God will plant you into greatness. He will nurture your soul and allow you to grow into something huge from what you are now. He will help you find success in what you choose to find success in. However, you will not only become successful, but you will become very wealthy in doing what you love to do. In order to "plant your seed", you merely have to pray to God while you are wearing this piece. Pick something great that you have dreamed of your entire life. Maybe you've always wanted to be a famous actress or a pop star? Maybe you wanted to be a prima ballerina or a top neurological surgeon? Whatever it is you are passionate about, pray about. The seed will be planted and you will begin your journey into greatness, just as a mustard seed produces a great tree.