Lady Celestia, Secret Star Maps, and Cosmovision
Lady Celestia, Secret Star Maps, and Cosmovision
Lady Celestia, Secret Star Maps, and Cosmovision
Lady Celestia, Secret Star Maps, and Cosmovision
Lady Celestia, Secret Star Maps, and Cosmovision
Lady Celestia, Secret Star Maps, and Cosmovision
Lady Celestia, Secret Star Maps, and Cosmovision
Lady Celestia, Secret Star Maps, and Cosmovision

Lady Celestia, Secret Star Maps, and Cosmovision

Regular price $ 777.00
When the Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro arrived in South America he had a completely different vision for the land than what the natives had built for themselves. This is because he didn't understand the spirituality with which the natives lived. He viewed them as crude and underdeveloped. This is because he came from a quote, unquote civilized nation that happened to also be one of the riches in the world at the time. He didn't understand their simplicity in living or their connection with the Earth and the universe. Had he understood all of these things, he may have very well left them alone and simply moved on about his business. Then again, he might not have. Not only were the Europeans of the time very haughty to other races and cultures, but they were also very materialistic. One of the first things Pizarro had his men do was confiscate the gold at the Temple of the Sun in Coricancha and move it to the new Spanish Headquarters in Cajamarca.

The Temple of the Sun in Coricancha was the most important building in South America. It was the Center of the Universe for the Inca and was often referred to as the Navel of the Earth. Smack dab in the center of Cuzco, the temple boasted the Golden Garden, as well as many elaborately decorated altars where both the Sun and Moon gods were venerated. It is also where the Golden Sun Disk was once located. However, they disk mysteriously disappeared from the Temple before Pizarro and his men could plunder it. Nobody-- not even the locals-- knows what happened to the prized possession of the Inca. As far as anyone ever knew the Sun Disk was gone forever, never to return. Most, not even trained Inca Shaman, quite understood the secret prophecy that stated that the "skies would go dark for a spell of time before the return of the Sun Disk and the Celestial Lady. I think that many of them were waiting for the skies to literally turn dark. I think that today's scientific community assumes that these ancient prophecies were made up by people who didn't know any better.
You must keep in mind that in receiving prophecy many times it is received in metaphors. Thus, the skies aren't going to really turn dark. This was a euphemism for the fact that knowledge was going to be taken from the Earth in the form o the Sun Disk. This would be followed by a period of disenlightenment, during which there would be falling out between the Human race and this divine knowledge. As a result, the human race would continue to become dumber and dumber. You can see this when you look around you. Sure humanity might have their technology, but I'd wager to say that most individuals feel a sort of emptiness on the spiritual front and if they don't it's because they've never felt spiritually full in the first place. Either way, the disappearance of the Sun Disk ushered in a time of darkness that separates humanity from its full spiritual potential and the messages and magic of the universe. This because the sun disk was not just an artifact that the Inca worshipped, but it was the very tool that allowed him to communicate with the universe.

Fast-forward hundreds of years and a group of modern descendants of ancient Incan Shamans have suddenly been given an awakening. This awakening has enlivened hidden DNA that has been stored in the bloodline of the shamans that once served in the Temple of the Sun in Cuzco. This gradual awakening happened after the planetary alignment in 2012. This awakening is set to usher in a movement of spiritual enlightenment that will help progress the human conscious to a level that is necessary to access the magic that exists in the universe around us. During the last seven years, these 22 young people that experienced this DNA awakening, seemingly out of nowhere have banned together and formed a secret coalition that they have appropriately named the Temple of the Sun. These 22 people hold the ancient magic of the Golden Sun Disc. In fact, the sun disc has been given to them by a mysterious entity that appeared during a meeting of the Temple of the Sun. Her name is Lady Celestia. Lady Celestia is the spiritual essence of the universe and holds the magic and knowledge of the universe and has the ability to grant awakening, which she has done in the case of the 22 who hold the ancient bloodline.

About a year ago, Deedee was put in contact with one of these people who make up the Temple of the Sun. She was given the chance to experience the Sun Disc, which is located in a secret location somewhere in rural Ohio. Deedee said that other than the fact that she did eventually experience the Sun Disc that she would have never guessed that she was entering any type of magic place. She said that the building where the disc is kept is run down and looks like it may fall apart at any time, but that is part of what allows the Temple of the Sun to keep the whereabouts of the Sun Disc hidden. There are plenty of people who want to find out where the disc is located so they can use the powers of the disc for whatever they wish to accomplish. The 22 have managed to keep the disc that was given to them hidden after it was reintroduced to Earth. Aside from the disc, each of the 22 has been given another type of artifact. There are 22 of these artifacts, as each of the original 22 has been given one. We have been given one of them as a means to spread the spiritual awareness of the Temple of the Sun and to help get the message out there.

These artifacts look like the one that you see pictured in this listing. They are sterling silver, Victorian-era pins that hold a peacock feather and a cameo of a woman. These pieces were created by a Victorian-era sorcerer after he was visited by Lady Celestia and told to create 22 of these pins as a vehicle to help drive the world into their period of enlightenment. The sorcerer did as he was told and the 22 pins were taken by Lady Celestia and kept until the appropriate time, which was shortly after the opening of the celestial gate of 2012. These pins hold the powerful presence of the entity called Lady Celestia. We have tested this piece several times and written below is just one of the encounters that we've had with this piece. This piece is very powerful and has the ability to provide a full celestial awakening that will allow you to call upon Lady Celestia whenever you please.

When I was using this piece, I pinned it on and sat down to meditate with it. About an hour or so into my meditation, I opened my eyes to realize that I had been taken away to a foreign place. I freaked out at first because I was aware of my surroundings, but I heard a voice like an angel telling me to not be afraid. In the distance, I saw a star fall from the darkness like a burning ember from a fire. From this star appear a beautiful creature. She was a goddess if you ask me. She had wings with a rather impressive wingspan and from her head, she had tendrils of energy with eyes on every tendril. There were also eyes on her wings she wore a robe upon which existed planets and other heavenly bodies. The voice spoke to me again saying, "I am Lady Celestia, the essence of the universe and existence. I am the peacock because I have many eyes that see all things. My eyes are the stars and the star report to me all the goings-on of the universe. I hold all of the knowledge of the universe, including all magic. I see and I know all things. I travel among the stars, including the Sun. They are my home and they are my messengers. I travel among the radiation of their light. This is how I appear to humanity on Earth. I bring the gift of the Golden Sun Disc, which will further the awakening of the Earth children. Its identity must never be compromised."

I opened my mouth to speak, but she already knew what I was about to ask. She continued, "The artifact that you have holds a peacock feather in honor of my presence. The woman also represents my presence. With this piece, you hold the authority of Lady Celestia. You will be enlightened by the powers and the energies of the stars. You will hold the knowledge and the magic at the center of the universe. With this piece, I grant you the authority to create and manage any type of magic that you choose to create and manage. You will do this with the magic of the stars, which are the messengers of the Cosmic Center of the Universe. With this awakening, you will be given the knowledge of what is called the Secret Star Map and the Cosmovision. This allows you to see into the sky and to know the magic that exists in each star that you will encounter, including the Sun that holds scores of magical abilities that it radiates to the Earth. You will be able to see these powers and to know these powers and to use them as your own. This is not only the gift of Lady Celestia, but it is the gift of the Golden Sun Disk, which was created by my hand, which will further the evolution of human consciousness."

At this, the star began to dimish and when it had completely disappeared I was awakened from my state of meditation. The piece was warm and I could feel the magic tingling within it. When you wear this piece and you meditate with it, you will also be able to encounter Lady Celestia. Deedee's experience with this piece was similar and so were two other people that we had testing this piece. You will be given all the gifts of Lady Celestia, who you see in this piece. All you have to do is wear the pin and allow her presence to come to you. She will say something along the lines of what I have just told you and she will bless you with the awakening of the Temple of the Sun and the Original 22. You will be given all of the abilities that are listed above and probably even more as you strengthen your bond with this piece and Lady Celestia realizes that you can trust you with that type of responsibility. Using this piece you will literally be able to access a cache of thousands upon thousands of forms of magical abilities, as well as the ability to create your own using the energies of the secret Star Map and the cosmovision that will be given to you by Lady Celestia.

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