Laveau Casting Stones

Laveau Casting Stones

Regular price $ 38.00
This piece holds stones that been enchanted by none other than Marie Laveau, the Voodoo Queen of New Orleans.  The casing for this piece is relatively new because this piece wasn't made terribly long ago.  However, the stones that are inside are much older.  Having said that, there is a magical seal that has been set in place on this piece.  DO NOT-- I REPEAT-- DO NOT try to open up this piece.  If you do the seal will be broken and the stones will lose their power.  We will not be responsible for the stones not working if they are removed from the pendant casing.  The reason they are designed like this is that the energy that has been set into this pendant and the stones allow you to name 8 different Voodoo spells where each stone is the power to create one Voodoo spell.  They are not "once and done spells", either.  Once you name the type of spell that you want each stone to cast, then you can recast that spell again and again, until your heart is content.

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