This is Skymar who is a Dragon of wealth. Not just a little but not a million dollars either. You are way more then comfortable with him. You may just wear him and call him by his name. Welcome him into your home by leaving some fruit out for him or a dollar bill or even some change. What you leave really doesn't matter, what matters is that you leave something to let him know you want him with you. This is NOT a high maintence spirit but one that just once wants to be wanted. With that offering he is happy and goes right to work with no hesitation.
Skymar works with the stars in which he was born in to bring you the wealth. Like the Dragon wants to often chase his tail he will chase the wealth for you. That wealth will come from whatever country you are in. He will offer high powered jobs, the elimination of enemies, blockages to wealth but mainly just going out and bringing it home to you.
Skymar's only job is to bring you wealth so this is a concentrated magical creature. He holds the itelligence of the ancient races and can speak any language. There will be no barriers to gaining wealth.
Skymar is sterling silver and painted to perfection. He holds the golden seed of wealth in his mouth. His size is not to big and not so small, he is the perfect piece.