Lips of Angels, Pick
Lips of Angels, Pick
Lips of Angels, Pick

Lips of Angels, Pick

Regular price $ 38.00
Raviniska, who is an all white being, assisted us in summoning angels to make a collection of pieces.  We are calling these pieces Lips of an Angel.  Each piece provides a white light 3rd Eye Awakening that allows you gain a connection with the angel that has been conjured into your piece.  You must wear this piece for three full days before you will begin to make a connection to it.  After that third day, your angel will make a connection with based on when it feels you are ready.  When using these pieces, if you don't get a strong connection right away, don't feel discouraged.  Doubt and dissension is a tool that demons use to impede white light magic.  Your angel will appear to you in full form and it will give you the powers attributed to him.  

Please pick your angel from these below. 

Raviniska had these done two weeks ago. You pick the one you want from below. These are the new ones. 
1. Archangel Raguel- Raguel is known as the angel of justice and harmony. He is believed to help resolve conflicts, promote fairness, and bring balance to relationships and situations.
2. Archangel Jophiel- Jophiel is often associated with beauty, creativity, and inspiration. She is believed to help individuals see the beauty in life, inspire artistic endeavors, and bring positive energy into their surroundings.
3. Archangel Zadkiel- Zadkiel is the angel of mercy, forgiveness, and spiritual transformation. He is believed to help individuals release negative emotions, heal past wounds, and experience inner peace and healing.
4. Archangel Haniel- Haniel is associated with intuition, psychic abilities, and emotional healing. She is believed to help individuals connect with their inner wisdom, develop their spiritual gifts, and enhance their intuition.
5. Archangel Chamuel- Chamuel is known as the angel of love and relationships. He is believed to help individuals find love, strengthen existing relationships, and foster compassion and harmony in their interactions with others.
6. Archangel Uriel- Uriel is often associated with wisdom, insight, and illumination. He is believed to help individuals gain clarity, receive guidance, and deepen their spiritual understanding.
7.Archangel Metatron- Metatron is known as the angel of sacred geometry, spiritual transformation, and ascension. He is believed to help individuals access higher levels of consciousness, understand divine mysteries, and navigate spiritual growth and evolution.
8.Archangel Raziel- Raziel is associated with divine wisdom, esoteric knowledge, and spiritual insights. He is believed to help individuals uncover hidden truths, access ancient wisdom, and deepen their understanding of spiritual teachings.
9. Archangel Sandalphon-Sandalphon is known as the angel of music, prayer, and communication. He is believed to help individuals connect with the divine through music, facilitate effective communication with the divine, and support prayer and meditation practices.
10. Archangel Jeremiel-Jeremiel is associated with visions, dreams, and spiritual guidance. He is believed to help individuals interpret their dreams, receive divine messages, and gain insight into their life path and purpose.
11.Archangel Ariel- Ariel is known as the angel of nature, animals, and the environment. She is believed to help individuals connect with the natural world, protect and heal animals, and promote environmental conservation and stewardship.
12. Archangel Azrael- Azrael is often associated with comfort, healing, and guidance for those experiencing grief or loss. He is believed to help individuals navigate the process of transition, release attachments, and find peace and healing in times of loss or transition.
 These angels will give you unlimited access to the Book of Life and a collection of white light spells that are practiced by the Holy Ghost. 

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