These hold the power of all the magic that Marie Laveau held along with the Petit Albert. This type of magic places you on the path as a full practicioner of the voudon arts in New Orleans. You get the guide at your calling of Marie Laveau which comes directly from the SOD dimension. The Sod is the mystical path that led Christ to his own magic of immortality along with the great miracles he held knowledge of. You may ask why Marie would know such a thing considering what type of magic she did. Most of the magic at the time was based on hidden Catholic religion along with the magical arts.
The magic made home to this vessel is deep, powerful and goes beyond the ordinary mystical supernatural abilities you may be used to.
Types of magic making home to these vessels are listed,
The arrangement of DNA to incorperate immortality
The activation of the inner Mandela
The activation of the Pituitary gland
A third eye quick charge
The casting of perfection in all spells with a connection to your brain as activation
A ful protection sheild activated when needed for you and others
Lower magic includes
The cast of mind love, soul love and full ownership
Wealth magic with devotion cast, devotion of wealth
Universal magical body of health
ALL Voodoo magics are included!
Sterling silver with magical stone.