Medallion of Abyssum
Sanctioned by the Holy Roman Catholic Church for use in the exorcism of houses, this piece has undergone what is called smoke ritual. That simply means that this piece has been cleansed by the smoke that was created by burning abyssum. Abyssum an herb that was used in Medieval times and beyond during the exorcizing of buildings, mostly homes. Originally, the Abyssum was singed with the sing of the cross and hung up at the four corners of the house. However, when wearing this piece, you will gain the white light authority of casting out demons from the home. Since this piece has been smoked in Abyssum leaves and holds concentrated white light exorcism magic, this piece also gives you the ability to cast out demons. This will be done by way of a white light healing, during which you will lay your hands on a demonically possessed person and coax the demon out by repeating the Lord's Prayer seven times.
This piece is a necklace that holds shards of white light magic and smoked Abyssum.