This piece has been created by our master conjurer and it summons forth an ancient Leprechaun. His name is Rowey and he is far from your average Leprechaun. Not only does he bring you the traditional wealth and luck of a leprechaun, but he brings with him the ability to cast ancient Druidic spells. Rowey brings luck and wealth on all fronts of your life. You can use his magic for wealth in business or you can use his magic at the casino. You can use it to score a huge promotion at work, or you can use it to protect the wealth you already. Aside from this, Rowey will be able to cast any type of Druidic spell that you ask him to. You see, he was an apprentice to a very powerful Druidic sorcerer in ancient times and he has learned a thing or two about a thing or two when it comes to druidic magic. This includes additional wealth spells, love spells, healing spells, etc. All you have to do is mentally project how you want Rowey to help