Meet Want and Desire, Two Djinn From the Lesser Keys of Solomon
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$ 38.00
These hand-painted earrings offer a pair of very powerful djinn. These djinn have been summoned from the Lesser Keys of Solomon. Their names are Want and Desire and they have the ability to grant you all the things you want. This includes not only magical powers and abilities but also circumstances and outcomes ass well. This means that they have the ability to manipulate your very own destiny to include the things that you have always wanted, but have somehow managed to elude you. All you have to do embrace the powers of Want and Desire is wear the earrings. You do not have to wear the earrings out in public unless you want to. You will only need to wear these earrings when you are actually going to be summoning the djinn. You will wear the earrings and allow their powers to come to lie. You will feel their energies rush through your brain and throughout your entire body. It is at this point that they have been awakened and they are sharing your body. At this point, all you need to do is wish for whatever you want in your mind. The djinn will be sharing your mind at this point and will grant whatever it is you have asked them for to your mind, body, and soul. If this is a manipulation of your destiny then you can consider it as well as done. In all my experience working with Want and Desire, they have never let me down. Their powers work 100% of the time! I mean, these are djinn from the Lesser Keys of Solomon, so naturally, they are powerful.