Midge and Madge, the Auditory Fairy Twins

Midge and Madge, the Auditory Fairy Twins

Regular price $ 38.00
This piece is a pair of Avalonian fairies that come in the form of a set of earrings. These fairies are actually twins who have been named Midge and Madge. I'm not the one who named them, they were named that when we found them. When you wear these earrings you may be able to see the fairy twins flying to and fro about your house. You might not be able to. That depends on your own level of psychic awareness. What you will be able to do is hear these fairies. You will hear their every move. You will hear them as they chant their magic and powers. You will hear them as they fight with one another because they do that sometimes. I mean, they are siblings. Don't worry, though. It's never anything too serious.

Most importantly, you will hear them speak the powers that you ask of them into your ear. The frequency of their speech and the way it hits your ear will them send a signal to your brain that will create the power within you. If you ask for discernment, for instance, to able to psychically tell if somebody is up to no good, they will speak the power into your ear. Your ear sends vibrations to the brain. Your brain turns it into the power you ask for. Boom! You have discernment. It really is that simple! Midge will speak all powers of this world. Madge will speak all powers of the fairy realms. Together, they bring you an arsenal of pure white light power that is unstoppable! Enjoy.

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