Not today, Satan. Not today!
Regular price
$ 38.00
People are going to say whatever they want to say about you. If you're like me, you've watched many years of America's next top model and you know that what other people say about you ain't none of your business. However, if you are like the majority of Americans, you probably take what other people say to heart and quite honestly you shouldn't. Look, there's always going to be negative stereotypes, negativity in body image, racial disparity, etc. The key is to rise against it and not give a hoot about what anybody else has to say. If you need a little help doing that, this is what these earrings are for.
These earrings have been magically charged so that way when somebody says something negative or disparaging about you, it will hear those negative things, synthesize them, and feed them back to your brain as a positive signal. You may feel a little pinch of hurt, but trust me, as soon as that negativity is turned into positive reinforcement, it will only be a matter of seconds before you're feeling like, "Honey, I can do anything I put my mind to and I don't need your approval!" Can I get an amen??!!
These earrings have been magically charged so that way when somebody says something negative or disparaging about you, it will hear those negative things, synthesize them, and feed them back to your brain as a positive signal. You may feel a little pinch of hurt, but trust me, as soon as that negativity is turned into positive reinforcement, it will only be a matter of seconds before you're feeling like, "Honey, I can do anything I put my mind to and I don't need your approval!" Can I get an amen??!!