Nuclear Transmutation
Nuclear Transmutation
Nuclear Transmutation

Nuclear Transmutation

Regular price $ 222.22
The 1950s were a very controversial time.  It was a time when the war was happening.  It was a time of nuclear exploration.  It was a time of the government projects concerning UFOs and mind control.  Oh, and there was also that time that the government sprayed downtown St. Louis with radioactive particles.  Wait?  Say what?  Yes, it's true.  You can Google it.  There are pictures of people from the 1950s wearing what eerily resemble space masks.  Government officials began handing these out to people in prominent areas of the city, explaining to the citizens that these were screening masks in case the city would become subject to a Russian Nuclear attack.  Instead, the government was busy spraying away in the low-income sections of town, in order to study the effects that the radioactive particles would have on those people.  
I cannot bear witness to all the side effects or the outcome of all cases in the St. Louis scandal.  I don't know if everybody's body reacts the same way to radioactive substances.  However, I can tell you that one person's reaction to the radioactive substance that was sprayed in St Louis was a lot different than most people's reaction to radioactive particles anywhere, ever.  For some reason when she was subjected to the particles, her body began to transmute in ways that bettered her.  She became stronger, for instance.  She became faster.  She was able to see in the dark now.  Her perception of time is such that she is always moving in slow motion, so everything she does, she does with accuracy and precision.  She suddenly found herself with the ability to hear other's voices, to be able to move things with her mind.  She has a sort of sixth sense that allows her to see seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years into the future-- whatever is suitable to her at the time.  She has the ability to see into time, both future and past, and to exist there as if she was a fly on the wall.  She has the ability to stop time altogether.  She exists in a heightened state of intelligence where she knows pretty much all the answers to your questions.  She has the ability of psychic touch and the ability to see and communicate with entities that are present to the human eye like aliens and human spirits.  What's more, is that ever since the day she was exposed to the radiation she stopped aging completely and her looks became timeless perfection.  
We met her on a forum as "BlackBeauty692".  She never gave us her name but coordinated a meeting between the two of us.  At this meeting, she told me all about herself and upon leaving she left us with a piece that is essentially her essence.  When you wear this piece, you gain the same type of transmutation as BlackBeauty did, without the ability to become immortal.  Your aging will still slow down to almost null and you will still experience a timeless beauty or if you are a man, handsomeness.  You will gain all of her other kickass powers and abilities and trust me, these are ones that you are going to want.  They are the powers that embodied this mystery woman that she gained the means of atrocity that killed others that she knows.  Good old government, right?  Anyway, this piece is seriously powerful and not to be taken lightly.
This is a sterling silver ring and can be worn by anyone.

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