Piri Reis Map of Wealth
Piri Reis Map of Wealth
Piri Reis Map of Wealth
Piri Reis Map of Wealth
Piri Reis Map of Wealth

Piri Reis Map of Wealth

Regular price $ 38.00


The Piri Reis map might have been a breakthrough piece of work for the times, but there is more to it than meets the eye.  Indeed the Piri Reis map depicts a much different Antarctica than we are used to-- one without snow or ice.  While this is cool and all, there was something more to the mall what other people just never understood.   To be fair, it was hidden with a concealer spell..

 No worries, nothing a few drops of blood and a locator spell can't fix, right?  To make it work we had to do some serious mind control to get a small fragment of the historic map.  The. We got a replica of the whole thing.  Using the fragment, the replica, a locator spell and few drops of blood.

 The result?  The hidden parts of the map came to life.  The hidden points on the map are what we like to call wealth hubs.  They are points of the world where wealth energy enters.  By harnassing these points of energy, it creates great wealth power.  The energy was used by the ancients to bring them extreme wealth to build massive armies and navies to conquer the world.


This piece has been given the powers of ALL of the walth hubs.  There are seven major wealth hubs in Earth and with this piece you get the powers of all seven.  It will bring you extreme wealth throughout all areas of your life-- business, finances, lottery, gambling etc.  You will be amazed with how soon the powers in this piece begin to work as well as the amount of wealth it will grant you. 


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