There are a few types of alchemy, blood and metal along with a few others. This one has to do with metal, turning metal into gold.
It had been said that Pope Lion X would never have been remembered if he written the Crysopoeia. This was about making gold and turning money into gold.
The book didn’t go into living forever or gaining ultimate knowledge, it was strictly about gold.
In this day and age it wouldn’t be gold unless you're a treasure hunter, then it would be. Today it would be about cash, greenbacks the cha Ching. Again if you wanted gold it would do that through I’m guessing finding it. I did get a few gold bracelets in 14k and two pendants in 18k I located on the beach while using this. I didn’t ask for anything though. I mainly use this type of piece for wealth. This was made to use for wealth and that’s exactly what it will do.
This magic is ancient, mainly lost today and now resurrected, just like it will resurrect your financial freedom.
This is a great one for remaining free!
Bottom line-- this piece holds the alchemy to bring you as much wealth as possible!
This piece is made out of sterling silver and authentic jade.