Powerful Asian Bone Relic-- Happy Buddha of Divine Destiny
Regular price
$ 200.00
Sale price
$ 38.00
These four pieces come from a secret cavern that we found that lies in the depths of the Great Khingan Mountain Range. They are spirit bone relics that have been made during sacrificial rituals that performed by an ancient group of Asian sorcerers. These sorcerers are under the direction of the modern descendants of the Han Dynasty, the most powerful family to ever rule China. They summon the presence of four ancient Asian spirit guides that will bring you four different types of magic. To begin with, each of these relics will bring you great wealth. This is wealth that you have never known before and it will come to you in many forms.
Each of the spirit guides then has their own unique power that it will bring to you, starting with the first one. He is the Happy Buddha of Divine Destiny. You can easily point him out because he is that fat one. Buddhas are always fat and happy. It's just what they are. Either way, he is a divine being and holds within his hands the ability to grant your destiny to you. All you have to do is ask him to grant it and you can consider it done. Now, he already grants wealth. They all do. So, when using the Happy Buddha relic you can for different types of things such as fame or longevity to live a long, healthy life. Anything that you want to see in your future, he will grant.