Powerful Asian Bone Relic-- The Great Warrior
Regular price
$ 200.00
Sale price
$ 38.00
These four pieces come from a secret cavern that we found that lies in the depths of the Great Khingan Mountain Range. They are spirit bone relics that have been made during sacrificial rituals that performed by an ancient group of Asian sorcerers. These sorcerers are under the direction of the modern descendants of the Han Dynasty, the most powerful family to ever rule China. They summon the presence of four ancient Asian spirit guides that will bring you four different types of magic. To begin with, each of these relics will bring you great wealth. This is wealth that you have never known before and it will come to you in many forms.
Each of the spirit guides then has their own unique power that it will bring to you. This is the final relic and he is the Great Warrior. The Great warrior will do two things for you. First, he will give you attributes that only the great warrior can grant-- superhuman speed, agility, strength, and endurance. He will also bring about a psychic awakening all true ninja pupils are given. This helps you to be able to sense your danger and defend yourself from it. It also makes for great mind-reading, levitation, psychokinesis, telekinesis and the ability to see the future. He will also serve as your personal guardian on the astral realm. He will clear all blocks and obstacles from your future, allowing you to be successful in whatever you choose. He will fight all evil out of your life and will keep it at bay for as long as you own this piece.