This piece is the prismatic heart. We call it that because it will allow you to see the "true colors" of those you interact with. The magic in this piece is designed specifically for the purpose of finding your true love. When you are wearing this piece, you will be able to look into the eyes of another. In that split second your subconscious mind will be able to travel out of your body and into the body of the other person. It will see all the thoughts floating around in that person's brain before returning to your own. This will allow you to have a discernment that will tell you if what a person is saying or doing is genuine. It will also allow you to know their truths and their lies. If they are simply trying to take you for a ride, you will know. If they are the real deal and want to make a life with you, you will also know it. You can also use this piece with your friends and family, but you should be aware that sometimes the truth hurts. Either way, this piece will allow you to look into the minds of potential lovers to let you know is they are your one true love.