Psychic Heart

Psychic Heart

Regular price $ 38.00
This piece is called "Psychic Heart" because it allows you to communicate with others through a bodily connection that it gives you to them.  This piece is not a connection to the mind, but rather it is a connection to the "heart".  I'm not talking about the heart in the muscled hat pumps blood through the body.  I'm talking about the metaphorical heart, the one that allows you to feel, the one that allows you to love.  This is the heart of the other's body that you will be allowed to experience.  This will allow you to understand what another is truly feeling.  So, when you are speaking to their heart, you will be given the ability to know their true intentions.  Do they really love you?  Are they being sincere in their feelings for you?  Are they having second thoughts?  Are they in it for the long haul?  Do they want to marry you?  Do they want a family with you?  These are all very valid questions that we all ask ourselves about others when we are in a relationship and we allow them unanswered questions to drive us bonkers.  Now, you don't have to, because this piece allows you to speak directly to the heart.

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