Ring Extravaganza- Eye of the Divine
Regular price
$ 38.00
We call this ring the Eye of the Divine. The reason we call it this is because it holds the Mandala Eye in the center of it. When you wear this piece, it gives jolts of magic that will pulse through your body like your heart pumps blood through your veins. It will release the powers and energies of every single one of your Chakras until it reaches your 3rd Eye Chakra. When the energy reaches your 3rd Eye, all bets are off. It's game on.
You will receive an awakening unlike any other that you have ever received before. This removes all blocks, cleanses your soul, elevates the mind, and blasts you full of psychic power. Which ones? ALL OF THEM! Any psychic power you can think of from Astral Travel down to the most obscure one you can think of such as telling the future using tea leaves will be yours. There will be not a single psychic ability that you are not capable of. Why? Because this piece was handcrafted by a very psychic buddha. He isn't ancient, but he is very powerful and he is still alive and working in Nepal present-day. He's a good man, he just asked me to keep his business private, so I can't really say his name. However, he is extremely powerful and blasted this piece FULL of white light psychic ability. It was the gift that he was given by the Divas.
You will receive an awakening unlike any other that you have ever received before. This removes all blocks, cleanses your soul, elevates the mind, and blasts you full of psychic power. Which ones? ALL OF THEM! Any psychic power you can think of from Astral Travel down to the most obscure one you can think of such as telling the future using tea leaves will be yours. There will be not a single psychic ability that you are not capable of. Why? Because this piece was handcrafted by a very psychic buddha. He isn't ancient, but he is very powerful and he is still alive and working in Nepal present-day. He's a good man, he just asked me to keep his business private, so I can't really say his name. However, he is extremely powerful and blasted this piece FULL of white light psychic ability. It was the gift that he was given by the Divas.