Ring Size 8 1/2, Gorgeous Midnight Fuchsia Quartz with Topaz, Platinum Over Sterling: The Miracle Ring of Nottingham
Regular price
$ 333.33
First, I must say that this piece is quite beautiful, powerful and extraordinary. It holds the mysteries of the Saind Elizbethers Rose and her ability to allow others to see Christ in full form. (There will be more on these powers and more later in the description.) While this is not the original piece that was found in Nottingham forest, this piece is a wonderful substitute. It is a piece of amazing metaphysical and relgious magic and is made with a midnight fushia quartz stone with white topaz. The band is plantinum over sterling silver. This is way more affordable than the tens of thousands of dollars for which the original was appraised.
The original was found my an amateur metal detectorist in Nottingham Forest. Notthingham Forest is the original meeting place of Robin Hood and his Merry Men. If you remember correctly, they were the ones that took from the rich to give to the poor, which prefaces one o the man powers that this piece will bring for you. There is no telling where the ring truly came from, but the the ring was certified to have come from the Medieval time period, so it is only appropriate to assume that the ring was one of the many treasures that Robin Hood and his men stole from the rich to give to the poor.
However, I doubt that even they had any idea exactly how precious their cargo was. I have no idea how this ring was lost in the woods. All I know is that the man who originally found the ring was paid a visit by a group of Catholic priests who told him that they simply wanted to admire the ring. You see, the ring, made from pure gold and a large, extremely high-quality sapphire that was rare for jewels the time period. On the shoulders of the ring there are sacred carvings. On one side there is carved a depcition of the infant Christ Child. On the other, there is carving of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary.
What ended up happening is that group of priests siphoned the energies and magic out of that piece and set it into the piece that you will be getting. They then performed an anicent ritual chant that made the owner of the ring forget that they were ever there. So, while he witness the entire testing process of the priests that sate before him, appraising the magic in his ring, he will never remember because they have altered his memory. All they were after was the magic in the ring, clearly. This ring has sat in the Vatican Archive very briefly before being "confiscated." It doesn't matter how or from whom we received the piece. The fact is that we have it now.
To better allow you to understand the power that is in this ring, I must first explain a few things to you, First things first, the sapphire that was in the original ring was imbued with energies and magic to keep the person who wears it from poverty. Not only was it designed to keep them from poverty, but to also bless them with extreme wealth. This is another reason why we kind of think the original ring once belonged to Robin Hood. Anyway, the topaz in the original ring was for extreme protecction and spiritual advancemet. It held the fire of St. Michael and literally fought off evil for the person who wore it. These powers and abilities both become yours when you wear this ring. Extreme wealth and extreme protection in one piece is something to boast about, but we are not done with this piece. Not yet.
The original piece has two carvings on it and these carvings bring about magical powers. So, the second thing I want to do is introduce you to Saint Elizabeth of Hungary. She acutally lived a kind of miserable life. She was married at the young age of 14. At the age of 20, she was widowed, so she sent her children away and took back her dowry. She then founded a hospital where she tended to the sick. At the age of 24 she died. However, her life was not without its miracles. The first miracle that was performed for her was when she first met her husband, Ludwig. She was stealing food to give to the poor. When the young girl was confronted by a hunting party, Ludwig asker her to reveal what was under her cloak. When she opened up her cloak the food was disguised as a white and red rose, symbolize the blood and innocence of Jesus Christ. Ludwig knew what she had originally been up to, but seeing how the girl was protected by Christ himself, persued her hand in marriage.
The seond miracle that attributed to her is even more powerful. In her compassion, she laid the leper Helias in the bed she shared with her husband. Her mother-in-law was horrifed and immediately reported this deed to Ludwig upon his return. When Ludwig went to remove the linens from the clothing (in great indignation, I might add), he no longer saw Helias the Leper. Instead, the Almight God opened the eyes of his soul. Instead of the leper, He was the full figure of the crucifie Christ, laying there, stretched out upon his bed. He was taken aback with the Holy mystery and from that point forward didn't really much question his wife's actions, which was a rarity in those days. The carving of the Christ Child Sigil in the instilling of the blood and the innocence of the Christ, which Elizabeth recieved at a young age, along with the Christ's bloodline.
So, to answer your question, what does this piece do for you? Well if gives you the exreme wealth and protection of angels and the divine. This piece will bring the bloodline of the Christ. The energies of the ring emit a holy energy that will transform your blood into his blood. In conjunction with the magic in this piece you will be able to call upon Jesus and all of the other saints that carry this bloodline to perform the miracles that you ask of them. There are no miracles too small or two large for this piece to carry out. All you have to do is mentally project the miracles you wish create and will be cast with authority of the bloodline of Christ.
However, the best is yet to come. This piece holds the power of the Holy Spirit to open the Eyes of your Soul to see the full body of the Crucified Christ. He is not suffering. You will be able to look upon his face as it really exist and not as it has been depicted in modern times. He will take you by the hand and will allow you to travel to the Kingdom of Heaven, where you will experience all that Heaven has to offer first hand. You will see the angels, the white light pyramids, the many mansions of God, the crystal sphinx, the everflowing waters, the streets of gold, and the throne of God. You will visit the Ark of the covenant.
In showing you all of these things, He will allow you to acquire all the many forms of magic that are associated with each and every one of them. This magic will be retained in your ring and you will be able to use it as frequently as you wish. Now, I realize that I'm not going into great detail with each experience that you have when you are taken to Heaven, but that is because there are so many of them and the intensity of these experiences (because you are being led by Christ) are so strong that it would take me forever. I have tested this piece. Deedee has tested this piece. Others have tested this piece. We all concur that this piece is extremely powerful, no only in what I've just told you, but in all the abilities, including wealth and protection that this piece brings you, as well as receiving the bloodline of Christ.
The original was found my an amateur metal detectorist in Nottingham Forest. Notthingham Forest is the original meeting place of Robin Hood and his Merry Men. If you remember correctly, they were the ones that took from the rich to give to the poor, which prefaces one o the man powers that this piece will bring for you. There is no telling where the ring truly came from, but the the ring was certified to have come from the Medieval time period, so it is only appropriate to assume that the ring was one of the many treasures that Robin Hood and his men stole from the rich to give to the poor.
However, I doubt that even they had any idea exactly how precious their cargo was. I have no idea how this ring was lost in the woods. All I know is that the man who originally found the ring was paid a visit by a group of Catholic priests who told him that they simply wanted to admire the ring. You see, the ring, made from pure gold and a large, extremely high-quality sapphire that was rare for jewels the time period. On the shoulders of the ring there are sacred carvings. On one side there is carved a depcition of the infant Christ Child. On the other, there is carving of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary.
What ended up happening is that group of priests siphoned the energies and magic out of that piece and set it into the piece that you will be getting. They then performed an anicent ritual chant that made the owner of the ring forget that they were ever there. So, while he witness the entire testing process of the priests that sate before him, appraising the magic in his ring, he will never remember because they have altered his memory. All they were after was the magic in the ring, clearly. This ring has sat in the Vatican Archive very briefly before being "confiscated." It doesn't matter how or from whom we received the piece. The fact is that we have it now.
To better allow you to understand the power that is in this ring, I must first explain a few things to you, First things first, the sapphire that was in the original ring was imbued with energies and magic to keep the person who wears it from poverty. Not only was it designed to keep them from poverty, but to also bless them with extreme wealth. This is another reason why we kind of think the original ring once belonged to Robin Hood. Anyway, the topaz in the original ring was for extreme protecction and spiritual advancemet. It held the fire of St. Michael and literally fought off evil for the person who wore it. These powers and abilities both become yours when you wear this ring. Extreme wealth and extreme protection in one piece is something to boast about, but we are not done with this piece. Not yet.
The original piece has two carvings on it and these carvings bring about magical powers. So, the second thing I want to do is introduce you to Saint Elizabeth of Hungary. She acutally lived a kind of miserable life. She was married at the young age of 14. At the age of 20, she was widowed, so she sent her children away and took back her dowry. She then founded a hospital where she tended to the sick. At the age of 24 she died. However, her life was not without its miracles. The first miracle that was performed for her was when she first met her husband, Ludwig. She was stealing food to give to the poor. When the young girl was confronted by a hunting party, Ludwig asker her to reveal what was under her cloak. When she opened up her cloak the food was disguised as a white and red rose, symbolize the blood and innocence of Jesus Christ. Ludwig knew what she had originally been up to, but seeing how the girl was protected by Christ himself, persued her hand in marriage.
The seond miracle that attributed to her is even more powerful. In her compassion, she laid the leper Helias in the bed she shared with her husband. Her mother-in-law was horrifed and immediately reported this deed to Ludwig upon his return. When Ludwig went to remove the linens from the clothing (in great indignation, I might add), he no longer saw Helias the Leper. Instead, the Almight God opened the eyes of his soul. Instead of the leper, He was the full figure of the crucifie Christ, laying there, stretched out upon his bed. He was taken aback with the Holy mystery and from that point forward didn't really much question his wife's actions, which was a rarity in those days. The carving of the Christ Child Sigil in the instilling of the blood and the innocence of the Christ, which Elizabeth recieved at a young age, along with the Christ's bloodline.
So, to answer your question, what does this piece do for you? Well if gives you the exreme wealth and protection of angels and the divine. This piece will bring the bloodline of the Christ. The energies of the ring emit a holy energy that will transform your blood into his blood. In conjunction with the magic in this piece you will be able to call upon Jesus and all of the other saints that carry this bloodline to perform the miracles that you ask of them. There are no miracles too small or two large for this piece to carry out. All you have to do is mentally project the miracles you wish create and will be cast with authority of the bloodline of Christ.
However, the best is yet to come. This piece holds the power of the Holy Spirit to open the Eyes of your Soul to see the full body of the Crucified Christ. He is not suffering. You will be able to look upon his face as it really exist and not as it has been depicted in modern times. He will take you by the hand and will allow you to travel to the Kingdom of Heaven, where you will experience all that Heaven has to offer first hand. You will see the angels, the white light pyramids, the many mansions of God, the crystal sphinx, the everflowing waters, the streets of gold, and the throne of God. You will visit the Ark of the covenant.
In showing you all of these things, He will allow you to acquire all the many forms of magic that are associated with each and every one of them. This magic will be retained in your ring and you will be able to use it as frequently as you wish. Now, I realize that I'm not going into great detail with each experience that you have when you are taken to Heaven, but that is because there are so many of them and the intensity of these experiences (because you are being led by Christ) are so strong that it would take me forever. I have tested this piece. Deedee has tested this piece. Others have tested this piece. We all concur that this piece is extremely powerful, no only in what I've just told you, but in all the abilities, including wealth and protection that this piece brings you, as well as receiving the bloodline of Christ.