Seal Your Fate:  The Four Faces of the Wiseman
Seal Your Fate:  The Four Faces of the Wiseman
Seal Your Fate:  The Four Faces of the Wiseman
Seal Your Fate:  The Four Faces of the Wiseman
Seal Your Fate:  The Four Faces of the Wiseman
Seal Your Fate:  The Four Faces of the Wiseman
Seal Your Fate:  The Four Faces of the Wiseman
Seal Your Fate:  The Four Faces of the Wiseman
Seal Your Fate:  The Four Faces of the Wiseman
Seal Your Fate:  The Four Faces of the Wiseman

Seal Your Fate: The Four Faces of the Wiseman

Regular price $ 5,000.00

This piece that you are laying your eyes upon holds one of the most unique spirits that we have ever worked with. The piece itself is a stamper and the stamper holds the magic that will bring forth the powers of the entity that has been conjured into this piece. The entity's full name is Kodai No hie O Ninau Otoko, which means, "man who bears ancient wisdom". That's a mouthful to say, so we call him simply, "the Wise Man." Until now, he has never existed in any sort of solid-state. He has always existed as a spirit form only. He has been around, on the Earth for thousands upon thousands of years. You might be asking yourself-- if he was only Earth for that long and he was never in a solid-state, how did he end up with an Asian name. The answer to that is simple. He was first conjured thousands of years ag0 by Shinto sorcerers.

At first, the sorcerers thought they had stumbled upon a new Heavenly Kami. The feats and miracles that were granted to them by the Wise Man were out of this world. They had never seen anything like it. This is why he acquired a Japanese name. They soon learned that the Wise Man wasn't a Kami and wasn't even part of their original pantheon. He granted them things that were never before granted by any of their gods-- Heavenly or Earth-bound. It was then that they understood that this spirit was quite a bit different, with the ancient, unconventional wisdom that resides with him. For starters, he has the ability to alter reality and to change it completely. This is something that only the Heavenly Kamis were able to do since they are the creator gods. The fact that this power was brought to Earth led the ancients to know that the Wise Man meant business for humankind.

The ancient Shinto sorcerers didn't know when or why the Wise Man came or from where. Still, they built secret underground temples that exonerated him and called upon him for his powers and vast, limitless wisdom. His nature is to appear as a four-faced entity. In history, only the most powerful entities to exist contain four faces, with their powers being four-fold. The example that is in my mind is the four-faced Cherubim that sit at the throne of God. They are the most powerful angels to exist other than the archangels. We have had items that have been able to conjure these angels and it has completely transformed the lives of the people who have used them. I'm simply saying-- the four entities are the most powerful. The Wise Man is one of those entities. He is not an angel, but his power rivals those of the most powerful angels ever created by God. In fact, you will probably question how he isn't an angel once you learn of the powers that he can bring to you.

In fact, I think I've given you enough of a background for the Wise Man. Again, his appearance and his existence are sort of shrouded in mystery anyhow. I've told you all that we know about him. If you want to know more, you can ask him for yourself. You will see this piece has four faces. These are the four faces of the Wise Man. There is a happy face, a sad face, an angry face, and a happy face with its mouth open. Each of these faces contains an aspect of the Wise Man that is designed to help you on your life's journey. We will begin with a sad face. You might be wondering what kind o powers a sad face is going to bring you, but I assure you this sad face is not the manifestation of a sad face at all. Rather, it is the power to eliminate all of the sad faces you might ever have. That is, this sad face will eliminate all obstacles in the way to your success and what you want to do in life. It doesn't matter if you aspire to the vanity and wealth of the life of a famous movie star or you want to be a doctor that helps to heal multitudes. This piece will eliminate all obstacles that present themselves to you. Well, at least the sad face does.

The next aspect of the Wise Man is his angry face. This is the face of vengeance and justice. It is the face that will eat all the negativity from your life. Whether this negativity comes in the form of malicious spirits that have attached themselves to your life, a curse or negative spell that has been cast upon you, or a mother-in-law that just thinks you're no good. This face of the Wise Man will literally eat away all the negativity from your life. It will, more importantly, help restore a spiritual balance that will provide you with an opening of the third eye to allow for psychic intuition and discernment. This will allow you to develop an entire faculty of psychic abilities that are pretty much never-ending and include the ability to see the future, the ability of spiritual healing, the ability to astral project, the ability to see into a person's soul, etc.

The third aspect of the Wise Man is the happy face. This is the benevolent aspect of the Wise Man. He is the one that grants joy and contentment. Earlier we talked about the feats that the Wise Man could perform for the ancient Shinto Sorcerers. One of them was his ability to change their destiny and their futures. That is what the happy face will do for you. He wants you to live the happiest life possible. As such he will grant the life that you want to you. You can use the powers of the Wise Man to rewrite your destiny if you want. You can also use him to tweak parts of your future-- add in a family, or a specific love partner, a specific job, a place you want to live, etc. Whatever you want will be possible with the ancient wisdom and magic of the Wise Man. All you have to do is ask.

This leads me to the last and possibly the most powerful of the four aspects of the Wise Man. Most powerful? Yes. I know that what you have seen so far is extremely powerful stuff. However, there is one more face to go and that is the happy face with an open mouth. The open mouth is symbolic of the open line of communication that this aspect of the Wise Man brings you. When you use this piece, he will whisper into your ear the things you want to hear, regarding the powers that you wish to acquire. That's right, this final face will allow you to acquire the raw knowledge and power of the Wise Man. Keep in mind that he is billions of years old. He has traveled for quite some time and he knows a great deal. He has absorbed magic from all walks of life from Atlantean to Lemurian, from Egyptian to Mayan, from the white light powers of Christ to the powers of the Seven Heavens of Allah. It doesn't matter what kind of magic you ask for, the likelihood is that the Wise Man will be able to grant it to you. He will whisper it into your ear while you sleep. The magic that you have asked for will become embedded into your brain. It will become part of you and who you are, giving you the ability to perform your magic as if it were second nature.

In using this piece, you will use the stamp to seal your fate. It doesn't matter which aspect of the Wise Man you are calling upon. You will write down what you are asking for. Whether you are using the sad face ask to overcome an obstacle, asking the angry face to expunge evil from your life, asking the happy face to work something into your future, or asking the happy face with an open mouth to speak magic into your life. You will write down what it is you want the Wise Man to help you with on a piece of paper. After you are done you fold your paper in quarters. You will light a candle and allow the wax to drip on the blank side of your paper. When you have enough wax you will use this piece, pressing the seal on the bottom into the wax. This is called the Sealing of Fate. Once you press the seal into the wax, there is no going back. Whatever you have asked of the Wise Man will come to pass. Having said that you cannot use this magic to bring harm to other people. If that is what you desire, you have kind of missed the point. However, this piece has been known to grant people immortality in the past. It is not a guarantee, but it is a possibility!! Everything is a possibility with the Wise Man. All you have to do is ask and then Seal Your Fate!


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