Secret French Family Power
Secret French Family Power
How we came to get this item is strictly confidential but because of its extremely incredible wealth powers we had to add it to the site. I wish I could tell you where we got this piece but for your protection and mine, I can not utter even one word about it. I can, however, tell you how it was made. The power in this piece is from an old French royal family. They learned about magic over hundred years ago and once they became very strong they started to put the power they acquired during rituals into items. Every family member had an item that was special to them and they had the power put into it. This made the magic even stronger since there was an emotional bond to the item. Each family member had a different kind of power that they wanted. Love, money, strength, wisdom, etc. One of the sons sought-after riches of every kind. This item was his special wealth piece.
Once you get this piece and you say the name of the original owner it will begin working immediately. The more you use it the more powerful and direct the wealth magic will become. The power and energy geared toward all riches will start flowing all around you. It will pull wealth for you in many forms. Don't be surprised when money and wealth of every type start appearing around every corner.
You will be given the name of the original owner when it is shipped to you. The information will ONLY come by email. This piece is an antique and made in Europe.