Sekhmet, Daughter of Ra, the "Powerful One"
Sekhmet, Daughter of Ra, the "Powerful One"
Sekhmet, Daughter of Ra, the "Powerful One"
Sekhmet, Daughter of Ra, the "Powerful One"
Sekhmet, Daughter of Ra, the "Powerful One"

Sekhmet, Daughter of Ra, the "Powerful One"

Regular price $ 300.00
This is an antique piece that has what we believe are mined diamonds. It is definitely a unique piece, to say the least. However, the real shocker isn't that this piece is old, it's the power that comes from within. While this piece may not appear to embody the powers of an ancient Egyptian deity, this is precisely what it does. We got his piece on an investigation that we embarked upon in Egypt. You will not find the place that we went unless you hire an experienced guide, but it is the foundation upon which a pyramid that is even older than the ones Khafre built in Giza. You won't hear scientists even acknowledge that such a place exists because they don't recognize that this foundation was once the home to a fourth pyramid that was built under Khafre's rule. Either way, there have been things built over top of the foundation, but if you hire the right guide they know where there are hidden entrances. Hidden entrances to where? To the tunnels that meander underneath where ancient Memphis once stood. They stretch the whole way to Giza and connect to the largest pyramid there.

Along this winding path, there are other branches that lead to little cul de sacs. In these pockets, there are shrines set up that exalt different deities. Each altar is lit with an eternal blue flame. It is through the power of this blue flame that the gods and goddesses can be summoned. While we were investigating, we found ourselves by an altar that was devoted to the "Powerful One", the daughter of Ra. We are talking about Sekhmet. She is the daughter of Ra, in whom all his powers are preserved. Yes, they are also preserved through Isis, but the powers of Ra that preserved by Sekhmet are even more powerful because she was born with them. Long story short, we used the blue flame to summon her and she appeared to us in her original form, with the head of a lioness. She spoke to us in telepathic and told us that it was no coincidence that we were here. She guided us to her.

Of course, we had a few extra empty vessels with us, as we always carry them on investigations like this. We held it out to her and she actually placed it in her hand. There was a brief moment where everything went black and when we could see again Sekhmet was gone, but the piece we had handed her remained on her altar. When we arrived home after the rest of our investigation, we tested it. This piece holds the original powers the goddess Sekhmet who is often seen the Egyptian Angel of Death. One time she was sent to the Egyptian people to destroy them because they refused to follow Ra. She wreaked havoc on them and inflicted death and substantial damage until Ra told her to stop. So, she isn't one to play with. She is extremely powerful and she has the ability to grant whatever you want.

When I say whatever you want, I do mean whatever magic you want. However, this piece runs deeper than magic. It can grant you a connection to the Pyramids and their capstone. It can grant you a connection to the Sphinx. It can even grant you a connection to the extraterrestrials that gave Khufu the secrets of the pyramids. And it doesn't stop at the Egyptian pyramids. She can grant you a connection to any pyramid you want you to be connected to, including the Mayan pyramids, the Asian Pyramids, the Pyramids in Heaven, and the great crystal pyramid that floats above Earth. Oh, and the ancient pyramids of Atlantis, as well as their three-eyed Sphinx. She can give you an understanding of astrological magic because her father was the ruler of the Sun. She can give you insight into the future and what you need to do if you want to change what you see. In fact, there isn't much that she can't do for you, because she really is that powerful.

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