Sexual Excellence of the Grim
We don't often delve into Nordic magic the way we should. Yeah, we offer the magic of the rune. Trust me, they're powerful. However, just like Christianity has angels, demons, the behemoth, archangels, and other creatures, the Norse have their own group of magical and powerful creatures. You might be wondering how both tales can be true? The simple answer is that both realities exist on different timelines. These timelines make up existence and we can visit these timelines with magical pieces that we have and bring them back to you.
As I was saying the Norse have many powerful and magical creatures that make up their reality. We have creature a collection of items that have come from the Norse reality and features some of their most powerful entities. If you are reading this and the piece that you want is out of stock, email one of us, and I'm sure we will be able to get you another.
If you thought the sirens were bad, wait until you hear about the Fossegrimmen. Luckily for me, this Scandanavian creaturs is more commonly known as the Grim. There isn't just oe of them, but many. To top it off, the Grom are not female entities like sires. They are their long-lost male counterpart. You will encounter them in the woods completely naked and extremely easy on the eyes. They usually appear near waterfalls, playing a seductive tune on their fiddle. They are the epitome of manliness and manhood. They are champions of lust and leisure.
When you won this piece you will gain the seual energies of the Grim. This will allow you to perfrom better in bed. You will last longer. You will get harder. You will provide ultimate orgasms for the women (or men, we don't judge) that you will be takig to your bed. you will have the power of the Grim's fiddle built into this piece and you will gain the ability to seduce and enchant any person of your choosing.
This piece is a "boy and girl" necklace that is all sterling silver. It's a really unique piece.