Size 14 1/2 Men's Costume Ring with Silver-toned Band and Clear Stone: Elysian Fields Forever
Regular price
$ 50.00
This piece holds ancient magic that was acquired by a connection we have in the Grecian Mystery Schools. It is meditative magic and when you use this piece, you will be meditating. This piece holds vibrational frequencies that will allow you to leave your body and travel to a place called the Elysian Fields. The Elysian Fields, also known as the Elysian Planes, is the place that heroes and champions go when they die. Here, they exist with the gods and have the ability to access any and all of the gods powers that they so desire. When using this piece and traveling to the Elysian Fields, you will also have access to these forms of magic. You can call upon any of the ancient Greek gods that you want and they will appear to you and will give you the magic that you desire. This magic will be recorded into the ring you are wearing and when you re-enter this world, you will be able to use this power directly from your ring. Essentially, this piece provides a magical springboard for you that allows you to travel to the Elysian Fields. What kind of magical powers you end up with ultimately depends on you and how you use this piece!! You can gain more than one power if you want. The potentials are limitless.