I was lucky enough to get these sent to me just before Easter. I ordered the vessels a while ago and they are really unique looking. They came from China and say they are sterling but I personally don't trust to much in that. They are marked and look real but KNOW I dont' trust them not to rip people off. I'm listing these as sterling because that is what I bought but....
I had two of these done by a vampire who is not a new birth. He has been around a very long time and helps many people. I asked him about doing these when I had to contact him for something else. He had been traveling for a few weeks and I was lucky enough to meet up with him and get these done.
I had asked Shine to do them but sometimes he acts like an ass since his new woman. She's not exactly new but I do wish she would go, but enough of that. So these two rings were done to hold the power of the most ancient ones still in practice. What I mean by that is they still communicate with a group or they help others, etc. Some very important power has been placed into them but all the power comes from the aspect of the vampire and his or her talents.
These are designed to give vampire power, strength and full control of the mind. The full control of the mind part is what I find most impressive. This part of the ring will connect you with a mind link to those who already mastered the power of the vampire. The mind of a immortal is much different and thinks differently then you or I. When you talk about thought forms and you try and do them it is a little like that except it is fast and there is no concentrating. You would just know what you want and know it is going to happen for you. This includes everything from a place you want to live to a relationship or material things. You will also gain a serious charisma which also helps with many things in life from employment to situations.
The bottom line is this is like saying I want this and then gaining it.
The entire ring is held up by skulls which will represent the passing of ancient knowledge. This one is a size 10.