Talkers of Time
This is a VERY unique sterling silver piece that we acquired from the Underground Auction.
This is a piece that we received from the underground auction, so I'm just going to get into what it does for you. The only real background information that I have for you with this piece is that it was created by a Vedic sorcerer. He was able to create this piece after traveling to the epicenter of life in the universe called the Cosmic Brain. This he did by acquiring secret and ancient Vedic Scrolls from a lost city in India. Turns out he got his hands on the treasures he wanted.
There are three entities that have been summoned into this piece. They are called the Talkers of Time. There are three talkers, as shown in this piece. They are ethereal, almost angelic beings that live in the Cosmic Brain. They regulate the information that enters the Cosmic Brain. They scan this information and send it where it needs to go within the Cosmic Brain where it is held with the Akasha all of the time.
These three beings that you receive with this piece is one that holds three ethereal, enlightened and immortal beings. They are called the Talkers of Time. There are three of them. They are also called the Cosmic Triplets. They are all sisters of the same power, born in the same breath of the universe. They are called the Talkers of Time and this is because they hold the knowledge of time in their minds. They speak their knowledge to those who seek it out. This is not just a conversation, though. It is the entire experience. Let me tell you why.
There are three of these Talkers. The largest one, in the center, is the Talker of the Present. Flanked on his right is the Talker of the Past. ON his left is the Talker of the Future. You can ask the Talkers anything that you want to ask and they will show you want to see. As they speak into your ear, their voices give off unique cosmic energy that will allow your mind to travel and see what you have asked about.
For the Talkers of the Past and the Future. What they will tell you about and what they will show you is the Past and the present. This includes the ability for your mind to travel as if you were actually there. You will be able to experience whatever you have asked about because the Talker will speak it and as he does it will be transformed into astral reality, which your mind will be able to experience. Your body will "soak up the juices" of the place that the Talkers recreate for you, meaning you will be able to absorb all the powers, energies, and magic of the place.
The Past and the Future Talker correspond to the obvious Past and Future. They will speak places from the past and the future into astral existence for you and allow you to experience them the way I have just described them. As for the present, the Talker of the Present will show you the passing of the present time. He will also show you the magic that is being used in real-time, as it is being used, where it is being used, etc. It will allow you to zero in on specific targets, places, people, etc. You will be able to see and view what is transpiring as it transpires. Not only that, but you will be able to absorb the magic and energies of what is going on.
For instance, if you hone in the Bohemian Grove and you end up seeing a group of people doing a blood ritual to raise Molech, then you will also gain that ability. it's pretty straight forward and very powerful. This is an amazing piece that literally defies time!