Temple of Life and the Universal Truth
This piece comes from a place called the Temple of Life. Many of you probably won't know what the Temple of Life is, so allow me to tell you. The Temple of Life isn't really a temple. Rather, it is a realm of existence that can be visited but only after achieving a certain level of enlightenment. Ascended Masters have tried for years and years to achieve the right level of ascension and enlightenment to allow them to walk the realm of the Temple of Life. However, very few actually succeed. However, those that do become some of the most powerful individuals that you will ever meet. That's because the Temple of Life is all-inclusive. What do I mean by all-inclusive? I mean that the Temple of Life includes the truths and magic of all walks of life-- not just Hindu, not just Muslim, not just Christian, not just Wiccan.
In acquiring all of these truths from the many different walks of life, the Temple of Life houses something called the Universal Truth. The Universal Truth is not only truth, but it is an energy. It is the energy upon which all other truths are built on. It is the ground-working energy upon which all other magic has been formed, regardless of what religions or creed it comes from. It is a universal energy that can be manipulated to fit each and every reality. This is why all religions can hold sanctity and meaning and magic-- because they all trace their roots back to the same location. This location is the Universal Truth found in the Temple of Life. It is a pretty easy concept but is very powerful in its nature because it can literally be bent and molded to create anything that you want it to.
When you own this piece, you own the presence of the Universal Truth. This magic will come to you in its raw, unadulterated form. If you want something that will allow you to create any form of magic that you want then you have found the right piece. This piece can be bent to recreate the Ark of the Covenant. It can be used to see the Face of Mohammed. It can be used to control the forces of Gaia. It can manifest the ancient powers of Kaballah. It can literally manifest anything you want it to because that's the Universal Truth is-- it's scratch energy that you use to create. It is rare energy to own, but a powerful one. When you own this piece you will simply wear it and you will think about the different kinds of magic that you want to create. You will meditate upon them and reflect upon them. This will allow you to manifest the magic that you want from a thoughtform in your mind into reality.