Tesla's Lost Chapters, youtube Steve
We don't own the secret writing that was used to create this piece. They belong to a covert group of scientists that are currently trying to create something-- I don't know what-- that is larger than life. I guess their project shall remain a secret because as many times as I tried to insist that they tell me what's going on, they refused. Either way, I guess we should consider ourselves lucky to even have this piece. Maybe they'll dole out more on their project next time we meet up with them if they are any closer. Until then, we will settle for this piece. This piece holds power that was developed by Tesla. It was included in his so-called "lost journal" entries. It holds quantum energy that allows you to create a small abyss in your mind. It is through this abyss that your mind will be allowed to travel. You can use the energies in this abyss to travel anywhere on Earth. You can use the abyss to travel in time, as well. It will allow you to travel forward and backward in time, into the past and the future. This is not a fly on the wall type of piece. Instead, when you use this piece, your mind is traveling and will be given a physical vessel once you travel to where you are going, with which you will be able to interact with your surroundings. If any harm shall become this vessel while you are in it, you will simply be returned to your real body, no harm, no foul.
Check out the Youtube video for the full story: https://youtu.be/9XC_zQZqX1g