This piece is real agate.
This piece is a revelatory piece that was created by a modern-day sect of gnostic magicians. This piece has been created with magic of the ancient Basilidian magic that will reveal to you the 365 Virtues of Abraxas. There is a virtue for each day of the year, as the Abraxas corresponds to the Greek letters that form the number 365. There are 365 days in a year and Abraxas holds a virtue-- which in this case is a power or ability-- for each of these days. I'm not saying it will take a year to use this piece. I'm simply telling you that he has these 365 virtues embedded within his name and that these virtues will be revealed, in due time, to the person who acquires this piece.
These are not 365 earthshattering abilities or this piece would be way more expensive. They are abilities designed to make your life more bearable and to grant you a bit of wisdom. For instance, a few of the abilities include the ability to read minds, the ability to foretell the future, the ability to see into the past, the ability to grant yourself financial stability, discernment to tell a person's true intentions, love-matching, spiritual healing, healing of the chakras, the ability to communicate with the dead, etc. There are 365 of them, so you will have a lot to work with.