The Ascended Masters of Lemuria
The Ascended Masters of Lemuria
The Ascended Masters of Lemuria
The Ascended Masters of Lemuria

The Ascended Masters of Lemuria

Regular price $ 38.00
This piece holds in it a sampling of powers from the Ascended Masters of Lemurian Legend.  If you don't know what Lemuria is, I would suggest you do a quick online search, but in a nutshell, Lemuria was an ancient continent of the American Pacific Northwest Coast.  It suffered a demise similar in fashion to Atlantis.  However, the spirits of the Lost Lemuria live on.  Some of them have become ascended masters and it is the powers of these ascended masters that you are getting with this piece.  This piece holds an Ascended Master white light awakening.  This means that you will experience an opening of psychic powers and energies with ability like being able to read and control others' minds, the ability to see into the future and the past, the ability to move things with the mind and to bilocate in places across the globe.  These are just a few examples, as this psychic awakening opens every single psychic faculty known to man, plus even more than that.  For instance, this piece gives you the ability to heal people at the root of their DNA.  It's pretty incredible.  Either way, this is the piece you are getting and th powers that accompany it.  There is nothing you have to do except wear this piece in order to the powers to take a footing in your life.

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