The Castilian Picatrix: A Grimoire of Magic that Never Stops Writing
This is one of the pieces that we got from the Underground Auction. It is not to be taken lightly as this piece will open up a world magic for the person who owns it. This particular piece was made by an immortal Akkadian sorcerer who finally found what was known as the Castilian Picatrix. He found it in physical form and transformed it into something that people would have a hard time figuring out. Now, I'm not sure how the person that we got this piece from arrived with the piece, but he had it. What I do know is that the Akkadian Sorcerer who goes by the name Natu commissioned a small group of helpers to help conceal his secret, but throughout the course of history, they have failed miserably. More on that later. He called them the Gathering. (No, not to be confused with that game people play at card shops).
You have to understand the Castilian Picatrix is an extremely powerful book. The original Picatrix was written in Latin by a guy that had like seven names, none of which I know how to pronounce so I will simply call him by his first name-- Abu. Abu was a cleric that wanted to gather up all of the magical information of the Middle East. Logically, this included some very powerful magic. He began doing this and the book that he came up with was a 400-page book of ancient magic. The name of the book in Arabic is a bunch of squiggly lines, but eventually became known as the Picatrix.
The Picatrix would go onto become one of the fundamental books concerned with ancient magic, so much so that in the 13 Century the King of Castile, Alfonso x, ordered a copy to be reproduced in Spanish. This became known as the Castilian Picatrix. However, there is a catch to how this Picatrix works. Usually, the original copy is far better than the reproduction. In this case, the newer Castilian Picatrix was way more powerful. This is because during the translation there was some kind of spell cast on the Castilian copy. The translators got a little bit lazy and order the Castilian copy to sort of write itself. Now the Castilian Picatrix doesn't ever stop writing. In fact, it hasn't stopped writing to this day. It just kept adding page after page, recording the entire history of magic and then going on to record every bit of magic that would ever exist up to this very day.
You're probably thinking to yourself, "So why is this a bad thing?" To sensible people, this wouldn't be a bad thing, but there are some utterly insensible people out there. I mean, we enter a pandemic and people try to hoard toilet paper for crying out loud. Can you imagine what they'd do with a book that holds the knowledge of the world and will grant them anything they've ever wanted? Well, let's just say the book caused a trail of controversy, wars, heist plans, everywhere it has arrived. People have been killed over the book. Wars have been fought between nations over the book. Obviously, you'd have to know the secret origins of history to understand why the wars were fought, but world leaders and royalty mask things and give false reasons so they can conceal what they are really after-- world domination and ownership of pure magical power.
The knowledge of the Picatrix has been owned by many groups-- the Bavarian Illuminati, the Freemasons, the Watchtower Society, the Knights Templar, the Rosicrucians, the Red and the Green Society, the House of Windsor (and other variable members of royal bloodlines), the Jesuits, the SS, the Order of the Golden Dawn, and many, many more. The magic in this book has nearly ended the world on more than one occasion. However, the Gathering-- the ones who are supposed to be responsible for the book in the first place, always show up just in time to save the world just like one of those really bad TNT Saturday Night Specials. It has just been a really miserable struggle. All the while, the book keeps writing itself, adding to itself the magic and the knowledge of the world, page by page, growing larger day by day.
It wasn't until this last time that the Gathering decided that they had had enough of trying to fight the adversity and ill plans that the book brings. The cast the knowledge and presence of the book into a piece sealed it with sacred numerology and put a shield on the piece so that way only people with true and pure intentions would be able to access this sacred knowledge. That's why this piece looks the way it does. It was created with roman numerals and a sacred numerical spell. On the piece, you will see the temple where the book is kept. The whole piece has a cloaking spell set on it (you're welcome) so that nobody will know that you have it.
Now, the book exists but only in spirit form. When using the piece, the book appears to the person who owns it in holographic form only. This is done through meditation with the piece and another short ritual that will only be revealed to the person who actually owns this piece. We don't want those instructions falling into the wrong hands, despite the fact that your intentions really must be pure to even operate it.
As I'm sure you can imagine, this piece will give you everything. There is nothing that you cannot do with this piece and I mean absolutely nothing. You want to be immortal, so be it. You want to recreate ancient Egyptian and the knowledge of the pyramids? Go for it. Norse magic? Yep, that's there. Mayan magic, Akkadian Magic, Divine white light magic of God? There, there, there!! The Picatrix replicates magic all on its own and the knowledge of every single type of magic is present within. All you have to do is meditate (and that other little ritual that I will give you) and you will be able to bring the magic you want to the forefront. It will exist to you in holographic form and you will be able to manifest it into the mortal realm. How powerful will you become? Well, let's just say some of the most powerful people and groups of people, the ones that are written into history forever, have owned this Picatrix. We'll leave it at that.