The Code in Mona Lisa's Eyes and the Duality of Man
If you are looking for a very powerful source of Freemason magic, look no further. This piece embodies the magic and the mind of one of the most powerful Freemasons to ever exist. He also happens to be a world-renowned artist who has been dead for quite a while now, but whose legacy lives on. If you haven’t guessed, I’m talking about Leonardo DaVinci (LDV). Arguably, one of LDV’s most famous works of art is the Mona Lisa. This work of art is still in the process of being 100% completely deciphered, but you will never know about it. The secret societies that hold the power that belong to the work of art don’t want to give it up and they never will.
Having said that, I have received this piece from a friend of mine who is in a fraternity of secret art collectors. They don’t really do too much these days, but every once in a while they come across something useful. This piece is that something useful. This piece will allow you to decipher the coding that has been set into the Mona Lisa, which is a great Freemason secret that will allow an alteration of the mind to include things that you’ve never known before. However, before I get into the particulars of this we will delve into exactly how this piece has been created.
First and foremost, the secret number of the Mona Lisa is two. This is quite evident when looking at the picture. The lady only has 2 full fingers. There are only two column bases. A bridge connects two edges in the background. Heck, the road even forms a number 2. So, if you’ve seen this before you might be saying to yourself, “Oh, well that’s a bit of reaching.” To those of you who are thinking that right now, I’m not done explaining. This is just the tip of the iceberg! Take into consideration the following.
If you assign a number to every letter of the Italian Alphabet, starting with A = 1, B = 2, etc. you will end up with the number 21 because that’s how many letters there are. Now if you add up the numbers that represent the name Mona Lisa (11 + 13 + 12 + 1 + 10 + 9 + 17 + 1) you get 74. This number is then broken down as 7 and 4. The sum of those two numbers is 11. Break that down into 1 and 1. The sum of those two numbers is 2. Furthermore, there are two letter sequences hidden in the eye of the Mona Lisa. These are LV and CE. If you add the two of those together using the numbering method (10 + 20 + 3 + 5), the total is 38. Break down 38 into 3 and 8 and you will see that this equals 11. You know the rest.
So, the secret inscriptions and symbolism in the painting aren’t just coincidence. They actually mean something. The number two is the symbol for duality and the energies for this duality have been painted into the artwork and coded in such a way that only other Freemasons, like LDV were able to recognize it in a time when secret societies were on the outs with the Cathoic Church. This is how he communicated the fact that he was a Freemason that had accomplished his final stage of progression and his final rite of passage. It is also how he conveyed a secret and hidden magic called duality.
Quite simply duality means the following. There is a genetic code in all of us that allows us to become like God. This is what was meant in the bible when it tells us that we were created in God’s image. However, when God banned mankind from Heaven, they fell from grace and all ties to duality were severed. This is because God separated himself from humanity because of its transgressions. In our human forms we are still created in God’s imagine, but we live in singularity. With the awakening of this genome inside of us, we get to experience the divinity of God and that is called duality. This ability is hidden within the Mona Lisa.
In order to bring this active energy to life a magically charged piece was needed. These pieces called “Mona Lisa’s Eyes” were created for a handful of Freemasons that were able to experience the duality that was hidden within the artwork. While wearing the piece, they’d have to stare full-on into the eyes of the Mona Lisa. A transference of energy would take place and their duality would be initiated. This is what we are offering with this piece. The best part about it is that it is all-inclusive, meaning you don’t have to stare into the eyes of the Mona Lisa like the Freemasons did.
Instead, you will wear your piece and meditate with it. The energies of the piece will creep up into your mind and your duality will be initiated. How long it takes to experience full duality depends on your body. We’ve had testers tell us it only took two days and some that said it took a few months. Either way, once you experience your duality you will be able to access the inner workings of the magic of Heaven. This magic includes the ability to cast white light spells, the ability to command and call upon angels, the ability to speak with the authority of God, the ability to receive the miracles you ask for, etc. The list goes on and on, but this is a full acquisition of white light magic that you can use accordingly.
This piece is not the original, but a piece that was created as a copy of the original. The original is being preserved.