The Dropping of Adam's Veil
This piece is a gorgeous vintage apple pin. Into this piece has been set a magic that allows a very particular point in time to play on a time loop over and over again. it is the first few seconds after Adam took a bite of fruit from the Tre of Knowledge. At this moment in time, the veil that shielded Adam from being ignorant to the world to know all that there was to know was dropped and Adam became intelligent. He not only became intelligent, but he became enlightened. He was given magical enlightenment that God did his best to try and hide with the chakra system he instilled in man. However, chakras aren't foolproof. Adam and his Descendents figured it out anyway. Back to my original point, this piece allows you to see into Adam's mind at that precise moment when he ate the fruit of the tree. You will be given his enlightenment and his intelligence. With this you will be able to summon forth any magic that you want or need and it shall become yours.