For those of you who are into Solomonic Magic, this piece is for you. It holds the presence of the two ancient pillars of Solomon's Kabbalistic temple. Their names are Jakin and Boas. One is a completely dark entity and the other one is a completely white entity. They represent the duality of life and that the number two of sacred numerology is meant to bear all things. Two feet are needed for human equilibrium, good and evil exist as a pair of opposites, humankind is held together by two forces, you need two sexes for a generation, so on an so forth. The entities are two ancient djinn who have been summoned by Solomon to hold up his Temple. However, when his temple was allowed to be destroyed by God, two djinn left the pillars they had been cast into and went out into the world.
Present tense, this piece summons the likeness of both of these djinns. One is dark and one is light. That will be revealed to you when you use this piece, as King Solomon left this a mystery to the world. These pair of djinn are equally as powerful. One will grant all that you wish of darkness. One will grant all that you wish of light. Together they form the dual magic that has created and sustains human life. We operated on a dual existence, which is why these djinns were made this way. They grant you just about anything that you ask of them, barring such things as immortality and murder.
This is sterling silver and gold. Both djinn are extremely, extremely powerful!