The Emperors and the Blood Witches
The Emperors and the Blood Witches
The Emperors and the Blood Witches

The Emperors and the Blood Witches

Regular price $ 99.77
If you're looking for an ancient magic that is very powerful, then you have to look no further.  A lot of people seem to fixate on witches of European origin, but allow me to be the one to tell you that witches existed, in one form or another, all over the world.  In fact, I'll challenge you to find a witch that is more powerful than the witches of the ancient Orient.  
Unbeknownst to history books, each of the Chinese Emperors held a court of witches that they would use for multiple reasons.  First and foremost these witches would blood scry for the emperor.  In this sequence, there would be a blood sacrifice given to the emperor.  The blood would be letted from the arms of the sacrifice and allowed to drip on the floor.  Through the patterns of these drips of blood, the witches were able to see the future, which they would tell the emperor.  The emperor would often consult the witches in personal matters and before he would invade another empire  to see how the battle would go.  They would also instruct the emperors on ways to bring great wealth to themselves and to their empires.  The witches had to be of great power, given the fact that Chinese empire, these days simply known as China, still exists to this day and is one of the strongest military forces on Earth.  
Other times, the emperor would use his secret court of witches to grant him power.  This would also require a blood sacrifice, during which blood would be letted and the witches would create the powers from the energies of the warm blood.  Sometimes these sacrifices would die due to loss of blood, sometimes they wouldn't.  You have to understand the mind frame of the ancient Chinese.  Everything was done to better the country and to serve the emperor who was seen as god on Earth.  Either way, they could cast many, many different powers for the emperor and they did so using an ancient blood rite of alchemy that they were taught by ancient spirits.  Thus, the secret courts of witches that were kept by the empowers of ancient China were called Oriental Blood Witches.  
What we are offering is a the presence of an Oriental Blood Witch that is brought to you through this piece.  The black stones of this bracelet contain secret ancient Asian markings that conjure your witch in full form and bind her to the piece. You will activate this piece through offering the witch a drop of your own blood.  After that your witch will become bonded to you.  She will become subservient to your requests and will cast any kind of spell or create any kind of magic that you tell her to.  It will be as if you are the emperor and she is your secret Blood Witch. .   
This particular witch,, who will give you her name as soon as you activate your piece, has come from the court Han Wudi, who is one of the most powerful Chinese Emperors to exist.  She has granted him many powers and cast many spells on his behalf.  She has shown him the future and has advised him on how to gain great wealth for himself and for his empire.  She will do the same for you when you own her.  

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