The Five Immortal Lords and the Pyramids of Bosnia
The Five Immortal Lords and the Pyramids of Bosnia
The Five Immortal Lords and the Pyramids of Bosnia
The Five Immortal Lords and the Pyramids of Bosnia
The Five Immortal Lords and the Pyramids of Bosnia
The Five Immortal Lords and the Pyramids of Bosnia

The Five Immortal Lords and the Pyramids of Bosnia

Regular price $ 6,007.25


There will be no shipping from January 10 until February 3rd. If you can’t wait for shipping please do not order. There will be no exceptions. All items on Mercari and eBay will be on vacation mode for eBay and unavailable on Mercari until I’m back. The good news is for the first time in 15 years we hired another shipper! They are good and Lindy is training them as I type. Thank you for understanding, Dee Dee

Among the world's greatest mysteries are the pyramids that were found in Bosnia. These ancient pyramids went undetected until approximately 15 years ago when they were discovered by a Bosnian scientist. Previously, they were mistaken as hills that were part of the Bosnian Forest until a team of forensic scientists collected samples and tested what they found. The result was astounding and suggested that the substance used to create these ancient pyramids wasn't anything native to surrounding areas, but was a material that was brought to the area in ancient times. The substance was tested to not only be stronger than any naturally occurring rock in the area but also stronger than modern-day concrete. It was also discovered that is not only one pyramid in this vicinity, but five. Three of the five pyramids called the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, Pyramid of the Moon, and the Pyramid of the Dragon form a near-perfect equilateral triangle. A vast network of tunnels stretches beneath the pyramids. This system of tunnels was also discovered to be quite complex. These tunnels lead no only to other pyramids but also to underground chambers. Most of the chambers are decorated with carvings and other forms of ancient writing. The piece that we are offering comes from the Underground Auction, but the magic that this piece holds comes from the triangular tract of land that exists between the triangle formed by the Pyramid of the Sun, the Pyramid of the Moon, and the Pyramid of the Dragon. 

Like many ancient structures and monoliths of ancient times, the pyramids correlated to constellations and other heavenly bodies. The Pyramids of the Sun and Moon are both larger than the Great Pyramid of Giza, leading to the assumption that a once-thriving, ancient civilization existed in the area now known as Bosnia. However, this would force historians to rewrite history and this is something they've proven time and again that they are unwilling to do that. Work has been done on the pyramids of Bosnia, but some still doubt the validity, preferring to believe that they are a naturally occurring set of hills, despite all the proof that has pretty much smacked them in the face. So, who are these ancient beings that built these pyramids? Where did they end up? It seems like these are answers that science just doesn't have. It's a good thing that magic doesn't play the same set of rules as science does because otherwise, we wouldn't have been able to buy this piece, which means you wouldn't have been able to buy this piece, which means you'd never know.

This piece was bought under the pretense that it allows you to communicate with an ancient race of pyramid entities. This is true, but it so much more than that. I'm not sure that the person who sold us this piece really understood what he had, but all sales are final. Deedee has been working with this piece and has confirmed that it is more even powerful that what she had initially anticipated. I could go on and on about the piece all night long. That's how powerful it is. Instead, I will just get to the part where Deedee tested the piece because that is what will describe the awesome and amazing powers that this piece has to offer you when you are using it for what it is intended to do. This piece is so powerful that Deedee was able to use it the first time. Now, this isn't to say that everyone will be able to because everyone is on a different level of magic, but she was able to make this piece work for her right away.

When Deedee used this piece she lit a candle and some incense. She is experienced in using pieces like this, so this is all it took to bring the entities in this piece forth. It might take you more time than it took her. Actually, it most likely will, but the magic in this piece is prolific so you need to make sure you are constantly working with it. Do as Deedee has done with the incense and the candles and then meditate with the piece. When you do, it will bring forth pyramid entities known as the Immortal Lords. The Immortal Lords are entities that older than our universe itself. They travel freely and effortlessly through time and space. When the ended up on Earth, they used their ancient knowledge and magic to not only build the pyramids in Bosnia but also the tunnel system that meets beneath them. At one point, they had an entire race of golem-people that they employed to do their bidding. They build the pyramids in their signature fashion. It is like a signature that is uniquely theirs, so that way if they ever landed on Earth again they'd know that they had already been here. The pyramids were used to store ancient magic and knowledge that the Immortal Lords decided to hide on Earth. They have not been back to reclaim it. This includes the triangular formation which can be turned into a portal to pull through all sorts of things from different entities to different forms of magic and other things. You might be wondering why they bothered to build these things at all. Well, they lived on Earth with their golem minions for several thousand years. Other than that, it was simply for the storage of power and magic. They lived in the underground tunnels and as for the Chamber of the Immortals, that was their main hall where they would worship their gods and goddesses of the universe, the same way they were worshipped by others.

When the Immortal Lords did finally leave, the golems returned to dust, falling lifeless. However, since the life of the Immortal Lords once animated the golems, traces of the DNA remained on Earth. This piece has been made with the DNA of the Immortal Lords. When you use this piece, the Immortal Lords will be able to speak directly into your mind. You will communicate with them simply by thinking about what you want to communicate with them. It's fairly simple, but extremely powerful because the Lords rule over extremely powerful magic. There are five Immortal Lords altogether and each one of them will bring specific magic. These are not to be taken lightly, as they are extremely powerful and ancient forms of magic. They are more powerful than most of the items that you will find in any of our stores. When using this piece and lighting the incense, you will simply think of the Lord that you want to call forth and it will appear to you in full spiritual form. Again, you have to be patient with this piece as the power takes a little bit of time to mold to your body and to call forth the Lord that you want to call forth. Here are the Immortal Lords and the powers that they grant to you.

Immortal Lord of Heavenly Bodies-- This opens up all magic of the cosmos, including the knowledge and energies of each individual star, planet, moon, and cosmic gate. This allows you to connect to the universe and to pull in the energies of the cosmos to create your own powers and abilities.

Immortal Lord of the Akasha-- This piece recreates the Akashic Records with your mind. You will be able to travel to the records during meditation to see the history of not only our universe but of existence itself. This gives you access to the memories and the minds of all beings, including those of the gods and goddesses.

Immortal Lord of Abundance-- This pretty much goes without saying, but this Immortal Lord brings you the abundance of the universe. This is a ton of wealth in all different forms.

Immortal Lord of Calling Forth-- This Immortal Lord allows you to conjure or summon any entity that you want. This includes all kinds of entities such as griffins, unicorns, djinn, vampires, etc. To let you in on a little secret, the Immortal Lords are so powerful that this piece will even allow you to conjure and summon other gods and goddesses for their powers and abilities.

Immortal Lord of Agelessness-- This is the lord that presides over life and time. He can grant you immortality if you will take it. He also can allow you to create your own existence in which you will live. In other words, you will be able to create your own reality and circumstances.



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