The Forbidden
The Forbidden
The Forbidden
The Forbidden
The Forbidden

The Forbidden

Regular price $ 10,000.00 Sale price $ 3,000.00



Secret Teachings.


There can be many books written on secret magic or forbidden knowledge. Unless you can access it, it’s pretty much no good to you. I have advertised this piece but never said what it did. This is the piece we had to verify first and then test along with the metal. If you remember when I showed it, it’s been at least a month. This is one that excited me and I worked on it non stop. Usually items must wait their turn IF I even get to them! This one was a priority. This is also unlike anything I have come across minus Lucifer’s piano. That one, no words! It was set up at the underground auction of which I have another coming up!!!! I hear it will be there on display but not for sale as it was bought the first time. When I have time I will get into that piano and all it does and what I saw. It will never be for sale because I can’t get my hands on it! Would I want something from Lucifer, no. But this is from Lucifer before his change/ total transformation into Satan. Anyway before I get into that I need to give you all the information on this scroll.  This scroll has been tested for both metal which is sterling and for what it does. Its origins are fascinating. FIRST, if the website doesn’t hold the description you will see a part two of which you can buy the scroll.  Let’s start with the forbidden book of Judas or the Gospel of Judas.  This scroll holds that information within its sterling. This is information about multiple dimensions, various angels and the deep and serious understanding of true magic that Jesus felt the other disciples couldn’t understand. Jesus tells him about multiple realms with many different types of spirits. These are things  people on Earth have no idea about. There is lot more than that but these are the key points. Could this also be about aliens? I believe this because I have travelled many ways and seen and described to you many different types of creatures and spirits. One I remember from what I think was Atlantis and the people had crystals inside their heads, on the outside where I could see them. I did a radio show about it. This could  be from one of those dimensions? The information and the things Jesus taught Judas was for a reason. It was that others who could understand would one day have access to it. Unfortunately there are many who would want to keep it hidden. The Acts of Paul and Thecla. This too is embedded into the scroll.This forbidden book goes into miraculous healing, divine protection and conversion, another word in that book for transformation!  Could this have also been what Lucifer did but in a bad way? Now why would that be kept out of the Bible? Asking that question you can also wonder about the gospel of Mary Magdalene. Her gospel tells of how to receive visions and divine relationships with angelic beings. Why would anyone hide that? That too resides in this scroll. The book of Enoch! Many of you have heard of this book but only speak of the watchers. Did you know how to contact them or all the teachings on Supernatural Magic? What about how to speak to the angels or bring them to you? Let alone ascending to Heaven or looking into hell? Did you know the secret to doing these things? I do and it’s a code I perfected. I taught some of it to someone else whose name I won’t mention. I found out recently they have corrupted it, twisted it and have the proof that they have ZERO enlightenment! Because of this I will be offering my own again. Had I known they were doing this I would have stepped in sooner. I was getting phone calls and texts from a few people but I know that often people get mad with their sellers. Until I witnessed it myself with evidence! I won’t mention the persons name but I will try to correct those situations. KNOW YOUR SELLER!!!! Do Not pay using cash app unless you know them!! Many of you pay cash app with me and it’s fine because you will always get your items but I can tell you this, if they decide to keep your money they can. There is not much you can do about it. I have other people on here who unfortunately had this happen to them. They are more than welcome to post who did it to them. You are saving another person from being ripped off! Sellers like this give us all a bad name! Moving on to, nope not yet, I forgot one about Mary Magdalene. She was also taught MANY supernatural feats! This also included divine revelations! Yes, that is in here too. These are things like turning water to wine, stones to gold, mind reading. There is a lot in there. I forgot about the Nephilim too. My brain is flipping me off this morning. The Nephilim are also in the book of Enoch and if you have that blood in you this is a great piece for you. You connect not only with them but the Watchers. It’s okay too because you also have all the other things in this scroll to help you. You would get those things from the gospel of Mary Magdalene to help you fully understand and know there is another realm for you. This realm you can pull from to fully activate or make yourself whole. I know I’m bouncing around here but I need to make sure everything is covered. The apocalypse of Peter. I haven’t looked into this one in detail except to know that it’s in here and that it gives accurate details you can understand that f what’s to come. I did also find very scary information in it that I looked up and did find it true. I just can’t put it here. But even though it’s true the divine protection given to you by the gospel of Mary Magdalene will cover that.  Last is the actual location of the Garden of Eden which is located between the Tigress and Euphrates River.  Can you access this? Yes and it’s called the Primordial dimension. I will have pieces that access this but they take work and you must listen to certain things. That primordial dimension is TRUE enlightenment.  So all of these things are in this sterling antique scroll. To use it you will write what you want down that’s not covered and allow it to sit for 7 days. The scroll should be kept by your bedside or inside your pillow. To access other things hold the scroll in your right hand until you begin to feel a little funny or some energy. Keep it in your hand. Within a few days you will have full access to the supernatural powers described in this description. That’s a lot! Do NOT clean your scroll it’s old and you don’t want to mess it up. If you don’t want to clean it you just use a silver cleaning cloth.

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