The Gatekeeper and the Divine Presence of God
I know that it’s called the dark web and that we tell you that you shouldn’t be on the dark web. That’s because some really shady stuff happens on the dark web. I mean, there’s stuff that happens on the dark web that makes pizzagate look amateur. Having said that, not everything on the dark web is evil. Some things are just occult and mysterious. There are some sellers who will only sell on the dark web because they don’t want to expose their identity and that’s their choice. I’m only telling you this because the piece that we used in acquiring the piece that we are offering came from a dark web auction.
The piece that we acquired was a clock that was once used by the Illuminati to control time. Prior to that it was used by the Catholic Church to control time. If you aren’t aware there was a time anomaly that was created by the Catholic Church. It is said that we aren’t actually in the year 2020 and that it is really the 1820 or 1720. The time anomaly was created as part of a dark magic ritual, so that way straggling souls could be harvested for their rituals.
The time-piece that we got, though, wasn’t of dark nature at all. It was dual nature and is only dependent upon how we use it and we don’t often deal in dark magic rituals unless it’s absolutely necessary. We were expecting to be able to use this piece accordingly. What we weren’t expecting is the entity that came with it. To be fair, I don’t think that whoever-- from the church-- really understood how or why this piece worked either. You’d think that would be common sense, but sometimes the people using these things don’t always know what they are doing, as evidenced by the fact that entity specifically told us that we were the first human entities that he’s communicated with in hundreds of years… and those are actual years, not the ones fast-forwarded by the Church.
When we were using this piece, we noticed that a strange energy began to emit from the clock at 8:17-- which if you do the math correctly would technically be 7:77. We don’t tell time like that, because there are only 60 minutes in an hour, but if you remember correctly time is a manmade construct, so this is the divine’s way of using our construct to manifest itself to us. Anyway, we connected with the energy from the clock and it wasn’t long before we had manifested an entity that is known as the Gatekeeper.
The gatekeeper is a divine entity that we will call one of the Heavenly Host. It is not exactly an angel, but it is an entity that was created by God. The Gatekeeper is an entity that is exactly as his name sounds. He is the guardian of gates and was designed by God accordingly. The Gatekeeper has the ability to open gates to people that would otherwise be closed to them. When we were using this piece the Gatekeeper came to us cloaked in a purple robe and carried in his hands a set of scales and a golden key. The Golden Key is one that can open the gate to anywhere you want to go. The scales represent the fact that the Gatekeeper decides if you are worthy to experience things that were created that weren’t necessarily made for the human mind.
The Gatekeeper allowed us to travel many places He allowed us to travel back and forth in time, but he also allowed us to travel to entirely different realms such as the realm of the divine light, which is the realm where the energy to create angels is stored. It allowed us to also travel to the realm of the holy flame, where we receive baptism by the holy fire and the ability to create miracles simply by thinking them into existence.
Truthfully, I don’t know if Deedee will ever part with that clock, because she loves it so much. If she ever decides to, you will be the first to know about it. In the meantime, we are offering a piece that was given to us by King David. The Gatekeeper allowed us to travel in time to communicate with King David and when we told him how we ended up there he was intrigued. He gave us this piece, which is the ability called the direct presence of God. God gave him this piece in ancient times because David was his favorite king, and well, God takes care of his own. Of course, when traveling back into current times, the ancient piece that David gave us was transformed into something more modern, so before anybody says, “THAT PIECE DOESN’T LOOK THOUSANDS OF YEARS OLD!!!,” that is why.
What does this piece do for you? It invokes the direct presence of God. This is granting peace and who better to grant you things than the one who has created the universe, the Great “I am?” This piece can be used to invoke the presence of God at any time you feel his presence is necessary. You can use this piece to create miracles. You can use this piece to acquire ancient white light abilities, Alpha powers, or to cast white light spells. You can use this piece for white light healing, psychic awakening, or transcendence. You can use it for protection or to cast out demons, to conjure angels, or to summon the magical white light powers of the Saints. This piece can be used to change your destiny according to Gods will, or to grant divine recourse to any situation. This is like having God sitting next to you, like carrying Him around in your pocket, or like having as that one BFF that will never leave your side.