The Gbalo Locator
For the price, this is a very powerful piece. It used to belong to a secret order of priests that go by the name Gbalo. Despite the fact that people think that the Gbalo hasn't been in operation for a number of years, they still are and they are building quite the name for themselves in the metaphysical underground. They have been collecting strange relics from throughout Africa, which as you know is the oldest civilized continent and yet continues to go vastly underestimated in what it has to offer. This particular piece holds the knowledge of the whereabouts of the Ark of the Covenant. we have told you before that the Ark was once stationed in Africa. So, it makes perfect sense that this piece was found in Africa. Well, I should say the energies that went into making this piece were found in Africa.
Not only does this pice give you the knowledge of the whereabouts of the Ark, but it will astrally transport you there AND allow you to enter. When you enter the Ark you'll be able to see what exactly is stored there and what powers it has to offer. I cannot write them out, obviously, but I can guarantee that you will not be disappointed. what I can tell you is that you'll be given a white light connection to God and Heaven like never before, so if that is your thing, this is your piece.
While this description is short it is a very important and impressive piece. This is a piece that could bring about so many things.
This ring is sterling silver with a purple stone. The stone is said to be magical and hold the eye of God and the guardian angels that protect the ancient power.