The Glas Ghairm
The Glas Ghairm is an ancient spell to do one of two things. The first thing that it is designed to do is to keep a dog from barking. We aren't so much interested in that part, although you might be in you have one of those yapping ankle biters. The second thing that the Gla Ghairm does is open up locks. This is not limited to physical locks but also applies to other types of locks as well, such as the locks between this reality and other realities. The way that we have manipulated the energies in this piece will allow you to unlock the gates of celestial magic that exists in the solar system. Once these gates are unlocked you will receive the magic of the 12 Constellations of the Zodiac. This magic was hidden there by the gods with the only people that know how to access this power are those who have been enlightened. This piece unlocks all those celestial doors and allows you to know the magics that were hidden and why they were hidden. This will give you the ability to know and use many different forms of magic including transcendence magic, transformative magic, ethereal magic, galactic magic and a whole bunch of other types of magic that would otherwise be hidden.
This ring is sterling silver and can be worn by a man or a woman.