The Mighty Aamon, Neutralized and Under Your Full Control
People assume that just because demons are under control of the infernal master Satan that summoning them cannot prove to be beneficial. This is not entirely true. Of course, you must be a master summoner in order to pull it off. Lucky for us we keep one of them in our employ at all times. We have a vast number of entities that we enjoy conjuring to offer on the websites, but admittedly we usually stay away from conjuring demons on purpose. However, this demon is one that terrorizing a neighbor’s home and to finally get rid of him we had to summon him into this piece. Once we had him, we couldn’t simply let him go. He offered to much power. So, we neutralized him by conjuring his white light equivalent. Every dark entity is a mockery of white magic, meaning there is white magic in existence that can neutralize it. Our master conjurer was able to seek out and find the white magic necessary to neutralize the demon and his magic. His name is Aamon. He holds the power to be able to see the past, other places aside from your current point of existence in the present, and all of the future. He holds the ability to shift and to shape the future as well. He is able to procure love and will help with the reconciliation between foes.
To you use this piece, you will simply meditate with it to call Aamon forth. There is no need to worry. He has been fully neutralized and must do as you say. He will not try to be sneaky or take control of your body. He is completely subservient to you. You can order him to show you things of the past, present, and future. You can even have him change your own future if you would like. He has the ability to do that for you. You can order him to help you find true love or you can seek his help when trying to mend an argument or disagreement with a friend. You can also use this power to help you come out on the winning side of any litigation.