The Miraculous Tears that Fell at Knock

The Miraculous Tears that Fell at Knock

Regular price $ 38.00
1.). When ordering new items, shipping will be done in 10 days. We have a ton of new orders coming in and Lindy is working as hard as she can to make sure they are all shipped out on time. Please do not email her asking where your order is. She does the orders in the order that they were received. If you paid, we have your order, we will make sure your stuff gets shipped to you.

2.). For all Carnival of Caveness items aka $38.00 specials-- we have multiples of each item or mulitples can be made. Even if it says out of stock. If you are getting an item that an named entity or spirit conjured into it, the name might change. We will let you know. Also, the item will not look the exact same

3.). We accept many different forms of payment. We accept PayPal. We accept all kinds of different credit cards, through PayPal. We also accept Zelle. It is fast, easy, secure, and they won't sell your information. If you are interested in paying with Zelle, ask your bank or financial institution if that is something that they participate in.

4.). We will be away on investigation beginning in the middle of July. I think it's the 15th, but I'll double check on that. During this time, we will NOT be shipping. We will have NO CELLPHONES, NO EMAIL, AND NOT OTHER WAY FOR YOU TO CONTACT US. If for some reason you have EMERGENCY (and you shouldn't because we won't be shipping) you can contact Steve at Again, this is for emergencies and ONLY to be used during that time. We will be investigating at a castle in the dungeon. This is why we won't be able to be reached.
There were cloudy skies on the day that the Virgin Mary revealed herself to hundreds of parishioners in Knock, Ireland.  She appeared after giving prophecy to a 14 year old mystic who visited Fatima just the week before.  She told him that she would appear in the sky the following Saturday.  Lo and behold, she kept her promise and was even caught on video.  You can look those videos up if you want to.  All you have to do is search for them on Google or something.  It happened in 2017, just to give you something to go off of.  
Nearby rain drops began to fall during the sighting.  They were the tears of the Virgin.  we know this because we had a friend of ours there doing research on our behalf.  He allowed this piece to collect the rain, the tear drops of the Virgin Mary, after which he sent the piece to us.  We began working with the piece and about a year later, we have finally come to the point where we can confidently pass this one on.  
This piece holds the tears of the Virgin Mary is a granter of miracles.  These miracles will come in many forms, but as a general rule of thumb, they will perform the miracles that were performed in the Bible-- raising of the dead, curing of the sick, casting out demons, alchemy (changing of water to wine, physical to metaphysical), the ability to speak to God, and the ability to summon angels.  This is a very powerful piece.  I mean, it received the blessing of the Virgins tears, who weeped for humanity that day.  It only makes sense that her tears would try to help remedy the problem.  If you wish to grant miracles, too, then this is the piece you need!  

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