The Order of Maranos
This piece holds tremendous magic that dates back to the 1300s. I don’t think that we have offered a piece like this for some time. Well, the “piece” that you are getting is actually a series of two pieces. One is a poison ring that opens up to reveal a skull and cross-bones and a rose. The other is a small chest that the ring comes it. It holds great powers of its own. These powers are ancient powers that have been passed from generation to generation. They hold their roots in ancient Kabballah magic that was developed by the first Jews to ever exist. This magic seems to have fallen to the wayside throughout the years. This is predominantly given the fact that Jews were so heavily persecuted throughout all of history. Is this a punishment for being part of the group that sentenced Jesus to death? I’m not really sure. One thing I know for certain, though, is that despite the hardships that they have faced the Jewish people have always carried with them a very intriguing and powerful catalog of magic.
This is piece vintage to our time, but compared to the time that I am going to tell you about the piece would be considered very modern. We travel back to the year 1391. It is the beginning of the Spanish Inquisition. There are nearly 100,000 Jews on the Iberian Peninsula. The Catholic Church in Spain has stirred up fear that these Jews were going to cause damnation if they didn’t convert. Thus, the Spanish (and Portuguese) governments began rounding up these Jews. They put them through trials and tribulations if they convert, eventually killing a good number of them in the name of God and Christianity. They gave these Jews a special name. They called them Maranos.
The leaders of the Maranos began meeting behind the backs of those who persecuted them. They’d meet in inns and safehouses. They had a secret network of supporters that would use signs and sigils to allow the Maranos to know that it was okay to meet, lodge, and dine at their establishments. It was in these establishments where the magic would happen. The inner circle of the Maranos began developing a form of magic from the ancient Kabballah secrets that were handed down by their ancestors. These secrets included the ancient codes that were written into the Bible to both secure and hide the powers of God, such as His 72 names and many others. The secret society of Maranos that met in these hidden places formed a secret society called the Order of the Maranos. Together they developed magic that would lead their people from their lowly places of being slaughtered for their beliefs to allowing them to rise to positions of great power.
The magic that was developed by the Order of the Maranos allowed their people to become wealthy. They engaged extensively in commerce, industries, and agriculture. They intermarried with the nobility and influential members of Spanish society and became very powerful and influential. They help positions at the palace. They served in government circles and in the Cortes. They practiced medicine. They practiced law. They taught at the universities. Their children frequently achieved high ecclesiastical honors after they were converted to Christianity and/or help public images of Christianity while practicing Judaism in secret. The Order of the Maranos thrived with the hidden magic that they acquired from their meetings and from ancient Kaballah teachings and the secrets that are hidden in code in the Bible.
The Order of the Maranos remained intact and safeguarded these ancient teachings for years and years to come. Even after the persecution of the Jews by the Spanish, they still met in secret, entrusting the magic that they developed to a small number of very magical sorcerers that they called the High Priests of the Maranos. To this day they still meet in secret and they still develop magic. In fact, their magic has helped the Jews to bounce back from many stages of devastation, such as the Holocaust. In present times, the Jews have even been able to take back Jerusalem, their holy city, and establish and rule their own country. I’m not talking about total world domination here-- those are the Zionists. What I’m saying is that this secret group of very powerful Jewish Kabbalist sorcerers has continuously used their magic to help their brethren succeed to place of power and influence and to protect the chosen bloodline of God.
Along the way, they have also used their secret magic to develop very powerful relics and pieces of great power. These relics have mostly been kept in the circles of the Order of the Maranos and passed down throughout the generation. However, some of these relics have found their way to outside circles and into the hands of people who are not of Jewish descent. This is obviously how we ended up with this set that we are offering. We did not go on some extravagant expedition or investigation to find this piece. Rather, this is a piece that Deedee acquired when attending a very small, very private auction. It is the type that you can only attend if you’ve been given an invitation. Their pieces are elite and the magic that is set into them is unparalleled. This is one of the pieces that Deedee bid on and won and it holds the powers of the Order of the Maranos. It is an intriguing piece that will do pretty much whatever you want it to do for you, as long as you are seeking to use white light magic for white light purposes.
The ring that is in this piece was created with metal that given to the Order of Maranos by an angel that they conjured. This metal is from the breastplate of Archangel Michael who is the commander of God’s army. The metal fell from the breastplate during the Luciferian battle in Heaven. It was kept in Heaven due to its magical properties but was sent to Order of Maranos during the first wave of the persecution of the Jews. The metal was smelt into the ring that you see here using ancient Kabbalah magic. The ring opens up and on the inside, you will see a Skull and Crossbones and on the other side, you will see a rose. This represents the bloodline of Christ on Earth-- a rose among the wicked. This ring has the ability to awaken the blood of Christ within your own body. This will allow whoever wears the ring to assume a godlike form. The godlike form isn’t like any other minor gods. This is the godlike form of Jesus and will give you authority over all magic on Earth. This includes the ability to create magic simply by speaking it into existence. It gives you authority over all forms of magic on Earth, with the ability to vanquish magic, the ability to conjure and vanquish any kind of entity, and the ability to create all the magic that you want. All you have to activate the power in this piece is place a small drop your blood or saliva into the ring.
The box represents the Ark of the Covenant. This can be used to infuse any piece with the power of the white light magic that has been found inside of the Ark of the Covenant. You will your ring inside this box and you will allow it to sit for three. Just like Jesus rose to power on the third day, this ring will also rise in power on the third day. The ability to use this piece to astral travel to the Ark of the Covenant will then be set into this ring. You will be able to astral travel to the Ark of the Covenant when meditating with this piece. You will be allowed to experience all of the secrets that have been kept inside the Ark. You will be able to absorb these powers, which will be held in your ring. You will be able to use these powers while wearing your ring in the mortal realm. There are many powers that are hidden in the Ark of the Covenant. You will simply have to discover them for yourself. It would take me pages to actually write out the powers that we were able to experience during the testing of this piece. You can use the box to empower other empty vessels if you want to, but the ring that comes with this box will bring the strongest results. You can keep that one for yourself and copies for everyone else. Your ring is to be kept in the box while not being used, as this is your own personal Ark of the Covenant. It can also be used as a normal charging box to charge other pieces you might have by exponential amounts. Simply leave them in the box for three days and you will notice a world of difference.
As an added benefit, the ring will bring you wealth and great success, just as it has brought the Maranos. This is wealth in all areas of your life and the ability to succeed in all that you wish to do in life.